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Unread 02-24-2013, 02:19 AM   #30
Join Date: Aug 2010
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Quite a deal of activity here in this last week. I have been out of the country for the past week, but have been watching the thread progress via my email notifications on my phone. I'm definitely going to try loading up some 110 gr. loads, just to see if I can get the thing to work. I have received my Wolff springs and will install it when I get a chance. The laws in Canada are... awkward for this, and I cannot posses my Luger until is gets reclassified from Prohibited to Restricted, which is apparently rather easy to do, so fingers crossed.


Thank you for more pictures of the rear sight base. I plan on doing something nearly identical to that. How is it attached to the pistol? I see a roll pin there, but I cannot fathom what purpose it serves.
I'll shoot you a PM back soon. However, tonight is late and I'm weary from travel. Having said that, I am very interested.

Cheers all, and thank you for your continued interest in this project!
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