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Unread 03-27-2002, 11:22 AM   #5
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Default Re: ITS JUST NOT WORTH IT!!!!!

It is very difficult to try and understand why some of these people want to sell lugers that are known to be fakes. Greed for making a fast buck I suppose or just plain ignorance. But don't let it discourage you from collecting. I have five lugers now(3 shooters and 2 all matching #'s) and find them very interesting. I am only purchasing shooters for now until I can learn more about them. This site and the guys that contribute are a great help. It actually makes it easier for us to collect than it was for our fathers who did not have this instant resource!

As for why the government or the justice department does not do anything to stop the people that are doing the forgering. Well you have to understand that niether the government or the justice department really want you to have the guns in the first place.

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