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Unread 03-27-2002, 11:11 AM   #4
John Sabato
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Default A slight correction Mark - That verse is often misquoted.

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You are absolutely right Mark, to some, it's the money that is everything, and honor means nothing.

It isn't money that is the rool of all evil...The verse in the King James Version of the Bible is:

Timothy I 6:10 For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.

The balance of that verse also warns that those who practice this love will also suffer from their choice many times over.

The actions of others is no reason to turn away from a very enjoyable hobby, or for that matter any activity in which you voluntarily choose to participate. You just have to take precautions against a fraud, be it intentional or otherwise.

The person you buy from may actually believe that the article is genuine. When you buy a high dollar collector's item, just make sure that the written conditions of the sale include return for full refund if the item EVER proves to be fraudulent, and that all recovery and shipping costs are the responsibility of the seller. If the seller won't agree to that, then go elsewhere.

Find what you want, gather wise opinions from those that should know, and tread carefully. Don't let the actions of others keep you from doing what you really wanted to do.

To do so would be like allowing terrorist activity to keep us from continuing to live in the this country according to the ideals this country was founded on. Stand up for the principles that you believe in... truth, honesty, and the American way...

But don't be turned off because something like this "might" happen.

[Soap Box Mode OFF]

regards, -John Sabato

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