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Unread 01-11-2013, 12:09 PM   #45
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Thank you. It means a lot, compliments on the pictures as well as the purchase. This was a different area to get into. I had a vague idea what I paid was probably a wash far better than that (and a big improvement over the stock market!)

I also have to give the credit to the Luger expert that walked in while I was looking at the gun. Like this group he shared his information and a brief rundown as to why.

I have learned a great deal more in the couple of weeks since, phew. Call it great luck and don't assume anything for the future!

And the "time out" on shooting is now a full time out. As I read all the comments on that and mulled it over its obviously not worth it (sigh).

At some point I will have to look into a "shooter". In the meantime I am going to take a bit of a pause and read the posts and get more familiar with them all.

I have another gun I will be selling and free up some money to start looking.
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