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Unread 12-14-2012, 08:59 PM   #5
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I work with a Gun Rights group in North Carolina. It seems that the hysteria that is rising around this horrible tragic incident is now being fueled by our Washington Politicians.

The truth is that a Federal law (the Gun Free School Zones act) passed in 1990; declared unconstitutional in 1995 and re-enacted in slightly modified form in 1996 has enabled 5 times the number of annual school incidents and more than three times the annual loss of life.

- These criminals ignore all laws that normal citizens respect. Adam Lanza broke a large number of them.
- Criminals can predict that they will not be opposed while they slaughter our children at schools.
- More of the same lawmaking will not solve this problem. Protection Free Zones are just that - and violent criminals only respond to immediate opposing force.

I also share the grief for those that have lost loved ones, and disgust for the person that did this.

Igitur si vis pacem, para bellum -
- Therefore if you want peace, prepare for war.
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