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Unread 11-03-2012, 09:36 AM   #2
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Default I'm with you!

I also have grand kids, I use to keep all my guns unloaded and locked up. I kept a 9mm next to the bed in a small gun safe that could be opened by pressing the correct buttons. One night I heard a noise downstairs and tried to push the buttons on the safe to get to my gun, but it's dark and I still was not real awake, I couldn't get it open. I went downstairs to find two hooded men cutting my sreen door and window, one guy had one leg in the house. They took off and the police caught them and both were armed. A gun does no good if you can't get to it fast and easy. Now I keep a 410 single shot shotgun next to the bed with shells for it on the top of my door frame. I also have a loaded pistol in three other rooms of the house, hidden and high enough that no kid can reach. It's a lesson learned.
Mike D
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