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Unread 09-03-2012, 09:52 AM   #8
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Thank you guys for answering my post, but the issue is not clear for me. I need to know about the reproduction aspect of this. I believe it to be an artillery luger, but would it be considered a SBR if a reproduction stock (versus original) were attached. One was included but I was informed not to attach it as it would make it an illegal SBR.

I realize that attaching an original would be perfectly legal, but I have a reproduction rig for it (like stated I was instructed to attach it would be unregistered SBR due to the stock being new). I will trash it and look for an original if thats what it takes, as I need no ATF issues.

The issue is easy I live in Michigan, we have no SBR's allowed. The only exemption would be a luger, hi-power or other C&R that is not considered a SBR due to it being exempt.
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