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Unread 03-15-2002, 01:37 AM   #7
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Default Re: .30 luger vs .32 or 380?

Just an WAG here Bill, but perhaps the 30 Luger wasnt really designed for war, but followed the sucess story of the 30 Mauser cartridge designed for the Broomhandle C96 Mauser Pistol. The 30 Luger was also similar to the 7.63 Borchardt round? Perhaps downloaded version of these. The Germans for a long time had thought the PP in 32 Browing (ACP) was an adequate Police round while the Americans thought nothing less than the 45 would do (except the early 38s which didnt do that well) Of course DWM found out the major concern of most of the countries was that the Luger chambering was just to small for a military round, hence the stop gap last minute 9mm rendering of the 7.65 parabellum round and the most manufactured center fire round was born. If the World Wars had not happened just think how many 45 Lugers would be around. Just some random rabblings from the Thordude!

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