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Unread 02-23-2012, 09:57 AM   #19
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Originally Posted by Ben M. View Post

i do not think it has been established, historically, that the # 2 pistol (old abermann gun) or the other one in the norton gallery were even at the trials.
You are correct there was only one gun there. And if you look at Ordnance Corps records and notes on the 1907 trial, you will read that there was only ONE gun ever submitted.

It was fired during several sequences by George Luger personally. Then subjected to sand tests and again fired. Then subjected to corrosive environment tests and fired. All by Luger himself. There is literally a shot by shot description of what happened to each round; both those provided by DWM and those made by Frankfort Arsenal.

At the conclusion of the test , a determination was made that the Luger would NOT be invited to proceed further and that only Colt and Savage would be invited. One of the stated reasons for not proceeding with DWM was that the powder used in their cartridge was not available in the USA.

Savage subsequently withdrew and that reopened the door for DWM who was offered a contract for 200, .45 caliber guns which after consideration they declined thus handing the contract to Colt who, after several more tests and design changes, was awarded the contract for the Model 1911 Colt in late 1911.

The three guns that we know about have differing specifications, the most major of which is the grip angle but there are other differences. But the record shows there was only ONE actual TEST gun submitted.

Now at this point I would normally say, JMVHO, but this time I can say that this is historical fact.

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