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Unread 02-06-2002, 10:01 PM   #4
Viggo G Dereng
Posts: n/a
Default Re: C&R license holders are not affected...

Hi Stymie,

I had no intention of implying that this has any effect on any others than Importers, Dealers, and Gunsmiths.

My intent was to show that there is a "Permanent Record" kept, by, or at the disposal of the BATF, FBI, and Heaven only knows who else, of any and almost all Legal Business Transactions involving the transfer of ownership of any Modern Firearm.

Even those out of state purchases that passed through the hands of any of the above three business types.

I would give a WAG that this involves 90% to 95% of all legal transfers of gun ownership.

This is a form of register that allows the tracing of guns down to a science, that is daily practiced by the FBI and Local Police, in crime investigation.

I have no quarrel with it when used in a proper fashion.

I just hope that it is not ever used improperly, To the Demise of the 2 nd Ammendment rights of the honest law abiding citizen.
