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Unread 05-18-2011, 07:56 AM   #53
Imperial Arms
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Originally Posted by Edward Tinker View Post
Albert, I think this is the first time you have ever shown a piece of your personal collection in a public forum?

I truly believe that a gun can not really be evaluated on its merits unless it is seen in person; pictures lie many times.

My issue is that you can be rude and mean in your attacking people if they disagree with you. And I am not intimidated by your tactics or disagreeable manner.

Is there any reason, any reason at all, that you could not intelligently say, hey guys, you might be jumping to conclusions? Instead you almost invariably will make an insulting comment. It is not appreciated.

I do not mind admitting that I am wrong, and I am careful when I state categorically that a luger appears wrong, as this one did. You instead called me names.

Quit doing so.

As I have said before, you are welcome to express your opinions, but remember, they are Your opinions, and every member here can have opinions. And yes, it is helpful if they are informed, intelligent opinions.

I would prefer if you would not attack any members with insults.

No, this is not the first time that I show images of various items in my collection on a forum. Furthermore, I used to have a web site (Imperial Arms) for a number of years that showed about 90% of my collection.

You say "pictures lie many times", however, it seems that you made a rather quick judgement about the M1900 Commercial Luger in Portugal based on average quality images. You must be feeling very confident with all your opinions - that's a great way to go! In a court of law, a person is innocent until proven guilty, however, in the forum, it seems that all guns are wrong until they are judged by the selective forum experts. Please ask my friend Ron Wood if my M1906 Portugese Royal Navy Luger is right or wrong - he knows.

I have no quarrel with someone who has a different opinion or a disagreement with me. I like constructive debates but not stories that hold no water. When face-to-face or voice communition is not available on the forums, it is very easy for a person to remain with the same position or mode of thinking in order to continue believing wrong information from the past. Many collectors like to contine seeing the small picture and not the big picture which often has certain rules and procedures taking place in the business and country. Quite often when debating a German firearm or accessory, some of the readers tend to ignore or overlook sound and logical information and instead continue to lean on fiction because they do not want to see the decline or demise of a certain item. You tell me of one other CONTRACT Luger made by DWM or Mauser that has a safety marking in a different language other than the county that purchased the pistols? For example, with regards to the M1900/03 and M1906/08 Bulgarian Lugers, in what language is the safety lever (and extractor) marking? Why not simply German?

When it comes to your role as a forum moderator, you (and Vlim) tend to use the word 'insult' in a rather liberal way. I do not remember in this topic insulting you, unless you feel that my use of two words 'ignorant and close-minded' in my general comment was interpreted as a direct insult to you. For your information, the word ignorant is not meant to be insulting - it means a lack of knowledge which happens to apply to everyone, including myself, since I am ignorant in other areas - I am continously learning just like you, so you can call me ignorant anytime about another subject and I shall not take it as an insult. In this topic, one member decided to twist what I wrote and switched the word to 'stupid' which I did not use. I guess that this sometimes shows a lack of comprehension of the English language.

Lastly, what is the point of trying to make a sensible case at times when other readers prefer to listen to stupidity or to only believe one or two similar sources of information in order to receive blessings on certain items in their collection? To my surprise, my presentation of certain strong information and opinions sometimes goes in one ear and out the other. I am glad to have the support of my Maltese friends who appreciate the knowledge that I share with them. By the way, I do not need to be rude to them. Of course, I can be wrong at times to a small degree, but it makes me wonder why some readers can still wish to believe in 'baloney' even though they wish to learn something from other collectors. On the other hand, do some readers simply want to entertain themselves by wasting time on the forums?


Last edited by Imperial Arms; 05-18-2011 at 09:23 AM.
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