Son In Afghan
hello all,
I am sure many of you know that my son is in Afghanistan right now, arrived about a month ago.
I also know from first hand experience that their DFAC (chow hall) probably has all the food that was never there when i was in the army, and a small PX/BX there.
That said, if anyone wants to shoot him some older off-road magazines, Jeep stuff, gun magazines (I say older, because otherwise he will get 3 copies of the same thing).
I don't know, the deployment areas are pretty well stocked unless you are remote?
He says his internet is poor, but he's called his mom, so he has phone access, not sure if that is using land lines or Skype.
Just trying to throw him some stuff from the USA, maybe toss in a used paperback or two?
SGT Jeremiah Tinker
FOB Fenty
APO, AE 09310
PS: Thats him with his dog, he rescued while a civilian and shipped back from Kuwait just over a year ago!