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Unread 11-23-2009, 11:39 AM   #13
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Default bullets and such...

Hi Rick, Yes, Azis, is a great dog...well worth the small fortune we had to pay to see him healthy... He's not quite two, and still has his wild puppy moments.. my 4 yr. old grandaughter will get him so excited he jumps into the couch, (at full speed), hits and flips off the end, totally out of control... A hundered pound bull mastif flipping thru the air, in /thru, your living room is a sight you can only dream about until you've seen it in real time! ........ I might add that this is a totally uncontrolled random event with absolutely no chance of a gracefull, or anything like it, recovery.... ...add three, now, very disturbed, and excited cats, and a granddaughter screaming with total delight... and you can accurately picture my current ability to recover...
As for the bullets... yes, I have mulled it over and I'm planning to press on with it... Strangely enough, as i mentioned, back in my childhood, I became hooked, and am actually anxious to give it a go....
The fellows at Corbin have been very helpful.. in fact most of the replies to some very basic and entry level questions have been answered by Dave Corbin himself.. very nice gentleman...
Even with price derived from using scrape lead... it's still high when compared to store bought bullets... The real stickler is the jackets.. in order to do it cheap enough to just not go backwards.. (never mind time) you have to buy the copper locally and form / draw the jackets your self... And, you'd better like pulling levers cuz it's just like endlessly playing the slots after that... ... We'll see as time and money present... Best to you Rick, alway nice to touch bases with you... we see stuff thru the same eyes..'r...GT
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