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Unread 05-24-2009, 02:13 PM   #9
John D.
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Usually - I don't post in threads like these, as it typically closes them down faster than rain on a barbecue.. But - I just want to say to Jerry, Ed and all of you - my sincerest "thank you"! As Ed knows (as he calls quite often - usually to check to see if I still really exist - we upgraded this server two weeks ago - and your P38/ppK/s site to finishing writing code for that next software upgrade. At the same time - we are still doing much in Haiti..

So - you bet - a special thank you to all of you..! To assist with the expenses allows us to continue site improvements and frees up some of Jen's and our money to continue our work in Haiti...

As well - I know Jerry & Ed are tracking participation in the raffle - so yes - all of you have chosen to assist to defray the expenses of this site, so therefore those who donate products or purchase tickets should also be listed as Patrons - as that's exactly what you are...

My sincerest thanks again to all!

John D.
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