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Unread 11-03-2001, 06:08 PM   #10
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Default OK, thatâ??s a little clearer...

I would keep after Ralph, he often doesnâ??t get back to folks because he spends so much time away from his house at gun shows etc. I would continue to try to reach him, he is a reputable dealer, and will give you whatever you need. Too many folks on this forum have dealt with him for years to believe that this is deliberate. You didnâ??t say you spoke with him and he refused to give you a bill of sale, so my reading is you havenâ??t reached him yet. Continue to try to get in contact with him.

On the subject of the jam... I would never assume that Ralph or any dealer would â??knowâ? that my pistol Iâ??m buying from them jams or for that matter any other specific detail other than that it was mechanically sound, and that the condition was as advertised. Certainly the FFL dealer WOULD NOT test fire it! Itâ??s not his weapon, he is merely acting as transfer agent, and has no vested interest in the pistol outside of that. The truth of it is, as I said, jamming and Lugers are synonymous. Many factors cause this, but among the chief culprits are ammo, magazine and magazine spring. The length of the bullet can make a difference, the load of the charge, the feed ramp, the list just goes on and on. If you ask the question in the forum, many knowledgeable folks will be more than happy to give you tips to help isolate and resolve the problem.

My first Luger was a nightmare, so bad it fired in full auto mode!!! I had to send it off to Ted Green and have him do some radical work on it before it was fit to use. Smallest machine gun Ted says he ever fired! (You can see it in the Ownerâ??s Corner under Dok) Replaced all the springs and the mags â?? AND STILL IT JAMS! - You know what! Thatâ??s just the way it is. And if I wanted to fire a gun that never jams. Iâ??ll take my Sig Sauer to the range. The Luger is a piece of history, mine is 83 years old, and if Iâ??m working as good as it when Iâ??m 83, Iâ??ll be damn pleased â?? whatâ??s a few jams when youâ??re 83!

Your advice to beware is good, but no amount of diligence will save you from jams â?? itâ??s the luck of the draw. I hope this helps.


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