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Unread 03-19-2008, 09:12 AM   #1
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Default "Fake" American Eagles?

Still on a learning curve here. I was quite put aback buy the postings on Fake Navies and how some well know collectors have passed them on as the real thing while being fooled themselves. Has any American Eagles been faked? I take the eagle stamp must be out there. I have though on making the jump to buying a "Real" collector grade or at least original (still not cheap) Navy or AE, but holding back. I collected original WW1 pilot badges and a few WW2, but now the market is flooded with copies/fakes. Most sold as copies,but many as originals worth $$$. I guess after East Germany became part of Gemany again, many of the original dies/tooling for the badges were found and the latest repos fool many long time collectors,so I will just sit on the originals I have not willing to be fooled. It was sad to read that this has happened to the world of Lugers. Mismatched Luger shooters can bring $1,000 and I see the most matching run of the mill Lugers are in the $1.500 to $2,500 and the more rare verisons $5,000 to the skys the limit. Far cry from my first Dbl Date for $150. Then again, my on $2,000 1967 Jaguar XKE roadster I bought and sold for around $2,000 in the early 70's is now fetching over $50k. Anyway, I will do as others, I'll ask you guys for advice first before I plop do any dough.
Great Forum!
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