Thread: It's time....
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Unread 09-23-2007, 04:33 PM   #4
John D.
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Hi Folks..

All of you that have replied to this thread... My sincerest thanks... David - especially - thank you... You have a new "Title" associated with your account - with Jen's and my sincerest thanks. I sent it on behalf of the kids....

As an update and a brief Q&A I'm getting about this effort...

Is this something you are just starting?
No - Jen & I have tried to do this alone for several years. I was just in Haiti to finalize many of the aspects of Phase 1. Today, however - we have already started construction (the foundation for the new building is complete, 17 acres acquired, the well is complete (250+ feet - hand dug), etc.). As I write this - we have 47 children. At the end of Phase 1 - I suspect we'll have 80 children.

What is Phase 1?
It includes: - Finish construction of the first floor of main building;
- Install electrical circuits;
- Purchase and install electrical generator (diesel);
- Install plumbing;
- Purchase and install water filtration system;
- Purchase and install water pump & holding tanks;
- Build road from main gate to main house;
- Finish front perimeter security wall;
- Contract metal worker to construct the main security gate;
- Purchase beds and knock-out closets;
- Purchase dining room tables/chairs, eating utensils;
- Buy seed for garden & gardening utensils;
- Purchase livestock (chickens, 10 goats and one hog); and
- Build outbuilding for community water center.

How is the money handled?
As a very brief overview - 100% of all funds received by Project Rennwish, Inc. earmarked for "Place of Hope" are wired to a specific account in Haiti (to a predetermined level, so let's say I need the road finished for $5000 - I release $5000 from our account to Haiti). The account in Haiti was opened specifically for this purpose. There is also a system of "check-and-balances" in place in Haiti, so that if the building contractor commits to doing "part a" - "part a" is actually complete (to our satisfaction) before any funds are distributed from the Haitian account.

In short - Project Rennwish passes on 100% of anything you donate.

Where is the site?
The web address is:
The physical address is just west of Les Cayes - Southern Haiti. On the website - you'll see the physical location..

Where do the children live now until Phase 1 is complete?
Here - this is Shasha outside the current shack that is where they live:

And this is the current "kitchen" that feed the kids:

Where are you today in so far as donations?
I announced the site about 3 days ago. The goal is $150,000 by the end of October. After those three days alone - we are at 10% of our target budget, or just over $15,000 pledged, committed and received in three days... I also announced it on my Porsche site ( and the P 38 & PP-PPK Collector Forums)

Simply amazing....

To all of you - simply......

Thank you...

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