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Unread 04-17-2007, 09:44 PM   #29
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Doug, what is an important issue on your toggle is it reportedly comes from the Uraguayan cantract of post WWI Navies. I am not sure that anyone has a definitive statement on what a Weimar era production Navy sight should look like. There may have been slight variations including maching the toggle knobs as a standard P08. Or there may be a Waffenampt Uruguay competing with the US. Or the whole Uruguay thing cold be a scam far earlier than your involvement.

This toggle came to you in your Uruguay purchase and that is I believe how you represented it. It does not appear to be identical to an Imperial Navy toggle, but to the person purchasing it to restore a Navy with a missing toggle that may not be important. To the gray world of the boosters, who knows. You have been honest and open about it and the market will set the price.
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