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Unread 02-15-2007, 10:06 AM   #11
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Originally posted by unterhund
When you have the time, please tell us about the gun laws in your country.
The gun laws overhere in The Netherlands are like this;
If you want to start owning/shooting guns you will have to become a member of a shootingclub. You will have to bring a paper from the police stating that you do not have a criminal record.
Then, first of all they'll teach you all about safely handling a gun Then, for the first year you'll have to use the club's guns, starting with .22's and later on you can move up step by step. You have to show up regularly for practicing.

After that first full year you are allowed to buy one gun. That is; you can choose/buy a gun, but not take it home immediately. You take only the 'frame'number and with these the club will prepare an approval-document. Take this to the police, together with your club membership-card, and they will give you permission to pick up the gun at the gunstore. At the same time they will grant you a permit on which you're weapons will be registered.
Within a week you have to show up at the policestation again to show them the new gun. Checking numbers, name and type.

After another full year you are allowed to buy more guns, with a total of 5 because that is the max overhere. Almost everything is allowed, as long as it is a handgun or a rifle and not fully automatic. And the max is .50 but even only when your club allows you to shoot it inside their building (and not much do!) There are not many outdoor-shooting-ranges here; people who want to shoot at 300+ yards have to go to the military-ranges where once in a while civilians are allowed to shoot.

One of the rules for keeping your permit is; you have to stay a member of a club and you must shoot there at least 18 times per year.

At home your guns must be locked away in a vault/safe and the ammo in another vault/safe.
Your permit allows you to travel, with your gun(s) in the shortest possible way to the club.

There is a special 'collectors'permit; but you have to join a special collectors-society and prove that you are seriously going to collect guns.

Greetings from Peet, who had to make room on his permit for his P08 by kicking out his CZ75.
Collector of Legends;
'76 Corvette- AK47- Mauser K98k- Colt 1911- Luger P08.
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