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Unread 09-08-2001, 11:19 PM   #13
Johnny Peppers
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Default Re: 1900 Luger (Con't - for Bill)

Michael Reese does not mention a document as proof of the serial numbers; he says there is "evidence", not proof. Your have a fixation on the book by Michael Reese, and there is other information out there to be recognized.

Not sure what your comment about pregnancy has to do with the test pistols. Pregnancy can be proven, a test pistol cannot even if it falls into the chosen range.

After we have weighted all the evidence, do we then pick the evidence that suits our idea of what is and what isn't? I made no statements so bold as to be construed as "it can only be this way". There really are other opinions out there that has as much credibility as Michael Reese. You blame Dr. Scott Meadows and Charles Kenyon for not sharing the source of their information, but where does Michael Reese document the one statement you hang on to so dearly.

You were the one that brought other Lugers sold by Bannerman into the discussion. I never mention another Luger sold by Bannerman other than to ask what the statement you made had to do with the test trials pistol sale.

Strange that you should start a sentence with "Respectfully" and then finish the sentence with a statetement that whether a pistol was sold as scrap or not has a direct bearing on my credibility. You are now turning the discussion personal, and if this is your only argument, the discussion should end right here and now. I will discuss this as long as anyone is interested, but I will not discuss it with anyone that turns to personal attacks to try and make a point.

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