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Unread 09-07-2001, 11:33 PM   #3
bill m
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Default Re: 1900 Luger (Con't - for Bill)

Hi Kyrie,

I do not agree with your interpretation of the information provided. I feel there is more current information available at this time to expand the 1900 Luger test serial range. The information you have given us is of the "old school" of thought and does not explain why Bannerman bought Lugers with serial numbers higher than your list of Test Lugers. I noticed that you did not try to explain this either. You state that "knowing the correct serial number range of the 1900 US Army Test Trial Lugers is important to the perspective purchaser", which just isn't possible, as JP has posted, they just are not known, and there are the Bannerman guns which are above what all the "old school" experts have listed. I feel that this line of reasoning is "disregarding" evidence also, which tends to give new information and disputed the "old school" serial number list of approximately 6100-7098.

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