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Unread 01-03-2007, 06:11 AM   #5
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Default same pistol

This is the same pistol Lyn.

I had pretty much decided on the Landwehr idea just based on what was on the pistol. Everyone's help on the Wehrmacht-Awards forum was great, but I'm hoping to find more of a consensus.

I just have a hard time getting over the idea of how it came to the USA with simple Lehr Regiment = Doughboy Souvinir. If it were for the Lehr Regiment, it would have been weapon #387. That seems high to me, considering what else I've seen in P.08s.

Has seen another weapon number that high on P.08s?

I guess it's possible that they had already went through over 300 by early 1918, if they still kept record of it.

One more thing to bring to the discussion, and this might only cause confusion is the source of the markings. The straight-topped 3 on my P.08 looks alot like the 3's I've seen on Russian M91/30 rifles (straight top and curl at the curl at the end of the bottom). Suppose this pistol was send to the Landwehr Regiment, then stationed in Russia, it might make sense that it was marked with available tools, even utilizing Russian tools.
Out there yes, but what do you guys think?
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