Thread: Luger values
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Unread 02-19-2001, 12:33 AM   #9
Bob Egan
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Default Re: Luger values

Luger values certainly are depressed in my home area and they are difficult to locate since this is a strong hold of anti-gun politicians who apparently are determined to disarm everyone but the local drug dealers. When I do find a Luger for sale, usually by a veteran or his descendant i will tell them the value of the piece but will not pay anywhere near the value, since the mere possession of the luger makes me a felon! Of course, classified ads are out, and people are very circumspect about even discussing their lpossession or interest in any gun around here. If I could obtain a license, I would, but such is not possible in this area, and I am a veteran and retired police officer who belongs to several civic organizations.So, if you are able to lawfully collect Lugers,be thankful for that, and support the NRA! What has happened to me could happen to you too!

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