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Unread 01-31-2006, 02:11 PM   #35
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I have no plans on shooting it. I would like to make an element for the rear site. I have a front site for it, but if the rear site stays as is, so be it.

Your observations and the observations of everyone else are very interesting. The question of a dovetail running parallel to the bore center on a Luger is mute as the force of recoil is taken up in the toggle action of the gun. If the gun didn't toggle, the recoil force would be expelled directly into the site.

You are very correct about the lack of any marks indicating an element had been installed. It is as clean as the photos indicate.

I really think I was blessed with the finding of a nearly matched 1900 AE to add to my collection. The site issue gives it some kind of mystery and history to always investigate. I really never thought I would be able to find a 1900 AE, but was glad to pick this one up.

Ironically, I never mentioned the pencil thin 150mm 7.65 barrel. It is just one of the most striking firearms I have ever seen, despite its site issues.

Jack Hiles
Mesa AZ
Jack Hiles
Mesa AZ
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