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Unread 01-29-2006, 06:42 PM   #1
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Default Shock Troops of the Confederacy...

Hey ya'll.

I have a buddy who's written one of the best civil war specialty books I've ever read. It's called the Shock Troops of the Confederacy written by Slim Ray, a well respected author of five other books (not gun related).

Fred Ray (Slim) is a good friend of mine and fellow gun enthusiast. But where my interests go toward the broad area of collecting and shooting, his go much more toward the narrow area of the Civil War and history in general. I had the opprotunity to preview his work - it's currently at the printers being printed and is not yet on the shelves but can be preordered at a considerable savings. I'm having him sign my copy when it's done.

Anyhow, I didn't mean for this to turn into a commercial. I just thought that most of you guys would really like this book. If Civil War sharpshooters interests you at all - or you just like Civil War history and stories - this is the book for you.

I rate it five out of five stars...
Keep your knees in the breeze and your iron in the air.

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