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Pete Ebbink 11-26-2002 10:37 PM

A "New" Forum in Town...
As some of you may know, a new Forum is being launched in January 2003 by a few folks that used to reside herein...

Competition is good and it is always nice to find other chat rooms at which to learn.

I was wondering if we on this Luger Forum might want to consider creating/hosting a new section that would bring in discussions of "other" automatic pistols (in the Curio & Relic classifications) ?

I gather some/most of you have guns, other than lugers, that could lead to educational discussions.

Such a new section might also bring into this Luger Forum some NAPCA members that collect semi-autos, but maybe just not lugers...

Look forward to your thoughts on this matter...


Pete... <img src="graemlins/yltype.gif" border="0" alt="[typing]" />

wterrell 11-26-2002 10:50 PM

Thor 11-26-2002 10:58 PM

Also..........German Handguns

Lonnie Zimmerman 11-27-2002 12:16 AM

Thor, I would enjoy an expansion to "Axis Pistols".

Luke 12-01-2002 05:14 PM

The URL for the new board is:

John D. 12-05-2002 09:16 PM

[quote]Originally posted by Wm. Pete Ebbink:
<strong>As some of you may know, a new Forum is being launched in January 2003 by a few folks that used to reside herein...

Competition is good and it is always nice to find other chat rooms at which to learn.... </strong><hr></blockquote>

Hi Pete..!!

Sorry about the delayed reply, but over the past couple of weeks, with travel and meetings/conferences - I've been out of town more then "in town" [img]smile.gif[/img] ... (And YES - John S. - I will check my private messages after catching up on some of the threads [img]smile.gif[/img] ..!!!

Yep - I knew about the new forum a few weeks back when Mr. Still e-mailed me asking for information about how this site was programmed, what it used, how it worked. I wrote a lengthy e-mail back with some comments, thoughts, what to look for, etc. I guess he got it and he may have even appreciated my time, comments & effort, but never heard anything back.

As for "competition". "Competition" for what? Over what??? See - I don't have sponsor dollars pouring in from banner ads (in fact - do you see a single obnoxious banner ad here in this site?? [img]smile.gif[/img] )- so clicks or posts on this site really don't matter..? I don't sell/deal in Lugers - so I don't really care what sells off this site or not...??? I'm not an author - so I could really care less whose books folks buy...?? In fact - I make the same "revenue" from this site whether one person posts per month or we continue to enjoy the hundreds of posts we have each week... In that way - maybe I'm the worst competitor possible to any new site - as there is absolutely no financial gain to be realized from my end...

And for that - I'm a believer that this Forum is the "right" thing to do - simply for the tone, precedent and information that is freely shared without any financial encumbrances or undertones. If that were not so - there wouldn't be another Forum starting up trying to mimic this site's success... But can they mimic the unfettered pretense? Hmmmm...

For that - I just wonder what the new "Shangri La" is going to offer for differences to this Forum? Will people be "more" civil"? Will arguments/flames not exist? Will there not be any sarcastic replies? Sure - those things occur all the time in any public Forum. Rather, it is how they are dealt with by both the community and the participants that set the tone for that community... So, for all those "differences" - my guess is that Forum will be similar to this. So one would only want to question "why" a few are compelled to set up their own Forum or to set in a competitive light altogether. In short, what is either their gain or their motivation?

I can't answer those comments/thoughts - but any site that furthers the knowledge of these pistols, without being aligned to a hidden motivation â?? might be tremendously beneficial to all Luger enthusiasts.

I guess as I'm just a lousy competitor - for if this site "wins" - I still have nothing "won" from a personal or financial basis. Is that true of the new site? Again, I can't answer that...

Pete Ebbink 12-05-2002 09:29 PM

Hello John D.,

Nice to have you back !

I agree with all you say and I think the Luger Forum will be a "friendlier" place to visit and stay awhile. One of my personal, favorite folks [img]wink.gif[/img] who used to live here already took a bite out of my as*...same old dog, same old tricks...

Back to my original suggestion : What would be the chance of a new section to discuss other C&R pistols here on this Forum ? I suspect we all may have some other non-lugers C&R pistols, that we might want to share info.


Pete... <img src="graemlins/yltype.gif" border="0" alt="[typing]" />

John D. 12-05-2002 09:35 PM

[quote]Originally posted by Wm. Pete Ebbink:
<strong>Hello John D.,

Nice to have you back !

....What would be the chance of a new section to discuss other C&R pistols here on this Forum ? I suspect we all may have some other non-lugers C&R pistols, that we might want to share info. </strong><hr></blockquote>

Hi Pete..!!!

It's great to be back..! Finally!!! Went away for T'day - and I'm just getting back, but I'm a little "buried" in a backlog of e-mails and the such (and don't tell John S. - but I still haven't check my private messages [img]smile.gif[/img] ...

Anyway - as many know - I already host and run two fairly popular Walther sites (P.38 and PPK/S). I'm not opposed in the least to opening up this Forum to include those firearms or any others..?? So - what I'd propose is have folks post back in this thread areas/Forums they would like to see - and should they be an adjunct to this site - or "in addition" to this main Forum??

Any feedback would be terrific..!!!

Best to you Pete - and to all..!

Edward Tinker 12-05-2002 10:44 PM

Pete I saw that... [img]frown.gif[/img]

So, yes, this is a nice forum and fun place to visit.

The other one on gunboards will be a good one too, but my feeling is that the "tone" will be different.


Marvin 12-06-2002 06:17 AM

Hello John D,

Seems like you are away from home a lot too! So far I have been home about 15 weekeknds this year myself. It is tough to find time to read the Forum daily, much less try to post anything when I don't have my reference books with me, but you understand how it is to travel.

As to the question about another addition to the Forum for "Axis Pistols"; I think this would be a good addition since most of us that collect Lugers also collect other German weapons. There could be an easy "Link" to get to the P.38 and the PP/PPK Forum from the main menu to this Forum.

I enjoyed your comment on the New Forum. I will visit it too, but this will be my main Forum.


John D. 12-06-2002 08:36 AM

[quote]Originally posted by Marvin:
<strong>Hello John D,

Seems like you are away from home a lot too! So far I have been home about 15 weekeknds...</strong><hr></blockquote>

Hi Marvin..!

Hopefully - I'm home for a bit it depends on the clients, though... [img]frown.gif[/img] ) What amazes me about all this travel is - the more you travel, the more flyer and hotel awards you collect for "free travel" - and the more you collect, the less you feel like traveling!!! [img]eek.gif[/img]

Anyway - I agree, some prominient links to the Walther Forums are a great idea..! Those Forums are very active - and some folks like Orv, Dieter, Kyrie and others have really developed their own communities within them... My participation is usually limited to reading the posts (I get an e-mail when anyone posts to them) and helping out with any technical questions - like Cookies or setting preferences (Hi Orv!!! <img src="graemlins/wave.gif" border="0" alt="[byebye]" /> )...

Within this Forum - I also have no problem at all adding either new sections or Forums, but I would like to leave the existing Walther Forums in their current format - so links to them may be the way to go for those...

So, back to your suggestion about other Axis pistols - if folks want just a general "Axis" forum, that would be fine..! Would it also make sense to add other categories such as Allied pistols (since I am a closet Colt fan [img]smile.gif[/img] )...


Stu 12-06-2002 10:21 AM

I browse a number of forums, but my focus is really on Lugers and the P38s.

It's nice to come to this, (and the 38), forum because it's specific and it's participants have real in depth knowledge and interest in the subject.

My main dificulty with the proliferation of 'general' forums is there are to many. I just don't have the time to sort through 15 different boards to try to find answers or participate, hence my enthusiasm for the clear focus here.

I think posting links to other forums would be a nice way to go, (especially topic specific one).

I think it's a shame that the pool of knowledge has been diluted by the absence of some people from here, it's a shame they feel they need a different forum to participate in. That may be best, as at least one them doesn't appear to want to 'chat', so perhaps the exchange of ideas there will take on a slightly different form [img]wink.gif[/img]

Edward Tinker 12-06-2002 10:47 AM


My collecting has always been, uhhhh, eclectic. Meaning I collect what I want (hey Dwight!) . I think we share that passion, if something interests me, then I have collected it, but my real passion has centered around WW2 guns, so an allied section for comments would be good and probably make John Holbrook happy too <img src="graemlins/xyxwave.gif" border="0" alt="[bigbye]" />

John Sabato 12-06-2002 10:58 AM

My thoughts as not only a member but as one of the site admins and moderators:

I feel that the success of this forum is, as it has been mentioned by others, is due to the singular focus on one thing: The Luger pistol...

I am a strong believer in doing one thing and doing it well. I like lots of differents pistols and visit our "sister" forums on the P38 and Walther pocket pistols from time to time... but I am turned off by the forums that are not singular in focus because they grow so large and are so diversified that the reason that I came to the forum in the first place gets lost in the shuffle.

I think prominent links to the existing walther forums and also the creation of newly desired forums like AXIS Pistols where there is enough demand is also a fine idea... but if we create individual discussion forums within this context and domain on anything other than LUGERS, then this is no longer The Luger Forum

Another problem with the creation of new forums within this domain is resources... I know that John D. would have no problem supplying the necessary server space to host forums similar to this one, but server space is not the principle issue, it is manpower. All of the wonderful benefits that we enjoy here on the are the product of volunteer labor...including mine (which is a labor or love I might add...) and time is a finite commodity. This is not my day job, and the same is true for all the kind moderators that assist us in keeping this a great place to visit.

Where is the workforce that will program, install, configure, operate, moderate and administer these new forums?

If those of you with appropriate computer and internet skills will make yourselves known to us as available to fill these position vacancies in an area where you will have the same motivation that I feel we have here, I am sure than John D. can "set you up!"

In closing... and with as soft a voice as possible [img]smile.gif[/img] in case my rambling didn't get my point that besides our existing "GENERAL DISCUSSION" forum, I am not in favor of diluting what we have created here with the diversity of other weapons discussions...

That is my [img]smile.gif[/img] <img src="graemlins/xyxwave.gif" border="0" alt="[bigbye]" />

Ron Wood 12-06-2002 01:36 PM

I have to concur with John S., this should remain the Luger Forum. I have a great deal of interest in all early automatics and have owned several Bergmanns, Frommer, Glisenti, Astra, etc., but I do not think it is a good idea to dilute the focus of this forum to include the vast array of other special interest weapons. If we do that, we are just mimicking the "new" forum. The occasional question about other collector weapons can and should be raised in the General Discussion forum. I intend to participate in both forums, because they address my individual interests. I see no problem for both to co-exist.

The Luger Forum embraces all Luger interests, from the "serious" collector (whatever that is) to shooters, to customization, and comments are made without rancor/flaming. This is a healty atmosphere. Let's keep it.

Frank 12-06-2002 02:30 PM

Yup, Ron & John S, for what ever it's worth, I couldn't agree more. Let's let the Luger Forum deal with LUGERS.

Again my 2�¢ worth

<img src="graemlins/beerchug.gif" border="0" alt="[cheers]" />

John D. 12-06-2002 03:09 PM

From reading the posts - I'm guessing that most are saying:
to this idea [img]cool.gif[/img] While I like the singular focus of this Forum as well - can someone at least start a thread about High Powers somewhere??!! [img]smile.gif[/img]

Russ 12-06-2002 03:34 PM

Lets keep it lugers and concentrate on haveing a good dialogue without the flameing and snide remarks.

Russ [img]wink.gif[/img]

Marvin 12-06-2002 03:51 PM

John D.,

There is a very good High Power Forum, but I don't have the addresswith me at home; it is on my work computer. When I get back Monday, I will send you the address.


John D. 12-06-2002 03:56 PM

Thanks Marvin..!

That would be terrific and much appreciated!!!

(As a side note - it's great to see you posting in this Forum once again.... If you disappear again on us - I'll hunt you down and force you to post... <img src="graemlins/wave.gif" border="0" alt="[byebye]" /> )

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