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LugerNovice122 12-01-2020 06:15 PM

Are G Date 1935 Mauser Lugers made for any bullet caliber other than 9mm

I am new to Lugers and have posted a question somewhere on this forum. I am afraid my question will make me sound like a total "tool" and and bring out the internet trolls. But here goes.

I got my G Dated S/42 luger Serial# 7682 u (I think it's the letter u) from my deceased Uncle's estate. He purchased it when he was in the Navy between 1955 and 1961, so I know where it's been for the past 60 or so years. And if the parts are not all original, then it was forged together before 1955, but I believe the parts are all original. He took reasonably good care of it, but it has been re-blued. Al other parts share the same last 2 digits, 82, of the serial number. I have been trying to read up on the background of this model, and I am completely confused about the caliber of the pistol. I have successfully run 9mm luger rounds through it (oh the luger fires so sweet), but I cannot find anywhere the caliber of the weapon.

Does this model fire other calibers besides the 9mm luger, or is it just made for 9mm luger rounds?

I have no reference books, but a recommendation for a good Luger Reference book would be much appreciated, too.

Respectfully submitted,
David R.

Neil Young 12-01-2020 07:04 PM

Just 9mm. Good luck with your new piece. Welcome to the forum. You will like it.

mrerick 12-01-2020 08:28 PM

It's possible that a "G" date receiver (kept in inventory for a period of time) was used in a Mauser commercial Luger. If so, some of those were ordered in 7.65mm / .30 Luger.

I have a 1938 receiver that is on a commercial Mauser in the "u" block.

Is there a military concealment code toggle, or commercial Mauser banner toggle on the pistol?

But, if you put 9mm Luger rounds through it, it's a 9mm Luger caliber gun.

Check out our FAQ PDF for lots of reference info. Follow the FAQ link at the top of every forum page. The price is right. It's free to download.

John Walter's book on the Luger Story is a good intro. If you want details, get Geoff Sturgess' book.

guns3545 12-02-2020 09:24 AM


Again, welcome to the forum. As a word of advice; it is always better to let actual photographs do the talking. They are essential to best tap the information available to you here. Plus, we all like to see examples of our favorite collectibles that are owned by others

You say the the pistol is a G-date S/42. Then we have a puzzle. G-dates were only produced in the a to f suffix range. The first date to use the u block was dated 1937 on the chamber. Now it could be that the top of the "a" was polished off during rebluing as the bottoms of the scriptic "a" and "u" are similar.

As far as caliber is concerned, all Heereswaffenamt ordered Model P.08s were 9mm Parabellum.

Again welcome to the Forum


mrerick 12-02-2020 09:42 AM

He posted in another forum, and with photos there they figured out that the "u" suffix is an "a" suffix.

schutzen-jager 12-02-2020 01:16 PM

IIRC - i remember reading somewhere back in the 1960's that military lugers imported to Italy + Mexico were converted to 7.65 because laws there forbid military caliber weapons possession by civilians -

sheepherder 12-02-2020 01:57 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by mrerick (Post 335319)
He posted in another forum, and with photos there they figured out that the "u" suffix is an "a" suffix.

He also posted a pic of the "G" date...I had to crop & shrink it to fit here, but it's much bigger and clearer on "that other site"...

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