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Proofed 09-03-2019 06:55 AM

Swiss 29 details
10 Attachment(s)
A new one to me in need of a good cleaning after that it ill be one fine pistol. Lots of differences to look at.

Proofed 09-03-2019 07:04 AM

Details 2
10 Attachment(s)
More of the same

Proofed 09-03-2019 07:10 AM

10 Attachment(s)
And more

Proofed 09-03-2019 07:31 AM

4 Attachment(s)
Last ones

hayhugh 09-03-2019 10:07 AM

Great looking Swiss!

DonVoigt 09-03-2019 10:13 AM

Looks good.
Thanks for taking the time to produce the great close-ups.

mrerick 09-03-2019 10:51 AM

Congratulations on your Swiss Luger. October, 1936.

The red "Canvesite" grips are particularly brittle, and easy to chip. Take extreme care when handling the grips and the Luger. It's very difficult to find replacements.

I bought a 1935 Swiss Luger with a grip that was chipped badly, and it took me two years to find an original replacement grip.

Ron Wood 09-03-2019 11:34 AM

That is a sweet item! Ditto on the comment on the Canvesite grips, ones that nice are hard to come by.

HerrKaiser 09-03-2019 12:31 PM

I can see the “P” for private purchase mark on the left side of the frame, does it have a date as to when it was privately purchased out of service?

Proofed 09-03-2019 01:47 PM

grips and dates
Thanks for letting me know about the grips I will be especially carefull of them.
I do not know of any other dates on the pistol other than mfg. Oct-36 and i'm not aware of any dating put on these pistols to reflect out of service.

HerrKaiser 09-03-2019 02:37 PM

On a lot of the Swiss examples I have seen at Simpson’s website, if they do it it’s usually near the P and just the last 2 digits of the year. Yours might or might not have had it done, but it looks excellent. Congratulations on your acquisition.

Lugerdoc 09-04-2019 10:21 AM

Wayne, Great close-up photos including inspector's marking. Anyone needing similar parts ---- I have most of them in stock. TH

Sergio Natali 09-05-2019 05:10 AM

Congrats on a great looking Model 29 1937 production s/n 53901 - 55030

Beautiful pictures.

Stucki 09-05-2019 03:19 PM

The Waffenfabrik Bern produced this pistol in October 1936 and delivered it to the Swiss Army in February 1937.


Proofed 09-07-2019 02:53 AM

Date Details
Thanks so much for the date details of when and when. I really appreciate it.

Sergio Natali 09-07-2019 06:53 AM


Originally Posted by Stucki (Post 327540)
The Waffenfabrik Bern produced this pistol in October 1936 and delivered it to the Swiss Army in February 1937.


Could you please let me know where did you find it?

Stucki 09-07-2019 09:55 AM


Originally Posted by Sergio Natali (Post 327576)
Could you please let me know where did you find it?

As far as I know, today there is no information left, which indicate the time of production of Swiss Lugers. The existing records of the W+F provide information about the time of delivery of the pistols. I am relying on copies of the W+F delivery books, which until recently were still kept at RUAG.

In addition, I am aware of W+F documents from the Swiss Federal Archives with corresponding information. One of these documents (from 1946) is entitled "Produktion von Serie Pistolen" (production of pistols). But that is misleading. The document is obviously based on the above-mentioned delivery books of the W+F. I assume, that Bobba and other authors, had access to this document and therefore we have this confusion about production and delivery information.

When you compare the indication about month and year in the frame of pistols 06/29 with the information in the delivery books, you can see, that the delivery normally took place in the same month or one to two months later than production date in the frame of the pistol (rarely more than two months).

I also have the impression, that the entries in the delivery books have not always been made carefully, there are some obvious mistakes in them.


Sergio Natali 09-07-2019 02:20 PM


Originally Posted by Stucki (Post 327581)
As far as I know, today there is no information left, which indicate the time of production of Swiss Lugers. The existing records of the W+F provide information about the time of delivery of the pistols. I am relying on copies of the W+F delivery books, which until recently were still kept at RUAG.

In addition, I am aware of W+F documents from the Swiss Federal Archives with corresponding information. One of these documents (from 1946) is entitled "Produktion von Serie Pistolen" (production of pistols). But that is misleading. The document is obviously based on the above-mentioned delivery books of the W+F. I assume, that Bobba and other authors, had access to this document and therefore we have this confusion about production and delivery information.

When you compare the indication about month and year in the frame of pistols 06/29 with the information in the delivery books, you can see, that the delivery normally took place in the same month or one to two months later than production date in the frame of the pistol (rarely more than two months).

I also have the impression, that the entries in the delivery books have not always been made carefully, there are some obvious mistakes in them.


Thanks for your reply, actually I based my reply on what I've always considered "the Holy Bible of the Swiss Lugers" i.e. Mr Vittorio Bobba's books.

Stucki 09-07-2019 05:12 PM

It's a bit of a problem with the Bible - it's just a matter of faith…:)

To be serious: Bobba is today still one of the best you can read about Swiss Lugers - beside the three volumes of Sturgess and Görtz. Bobba also used primary sources, but his book contains also some errors.

A new book about Swiss Lugers is one of my retirement projects…:)

Ron Wood 09-07-2019 06:39 PM


Originally Posted by Stucki (Post 327588)
...A new book about Swiss Lugers is one of my retirement projects…:)

Please don't wait too long. I don't have a lot of years left (but am shooting for at least 20 :)).:thumbsup:

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