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Ragnar 07-02-2019 02:23 PM

Unusual fit unfortunately.
1 Attachment(s)
Being a first time Luger owner found the holster my model 1900 7.65mm came with was a poor fit. Being marked P38 of course assumed it was for a Walthers therefore the ill fit.
Found a really nice ‘abeit reproductionWWI Holster hoping it would be a proper fit while deciding whether I should spend the money it would cost on a authentic original rig. Kinda glad I did after finding my 1900 still has a Poor fit. Assuming the barrel length is the culprit lol. It being 3 and 7/8th”should fit further down in the holster correct?
Question is what then does a holster for a model commercial 1900 look like ? Anyone have a picture they care to share.

George Anderson 07-02-2019 03:03 PM

If your pistol is indeed a 1900 in 7'65mm the barrel length should be 4 3/4".

Ragnar 07-02-2019 03:54 PM

2 Attachment(s)
I’m going by what several members here have determined.
Frankly I’m not positive I’ve measured the barrel correctly you can see by the picture how I came to my determination.

Norme 07-02-2019 04:05 PM

Barrel length is measured from the muzzle to the face of the breech-block. The easiest way to measure it is by inserting a drinking straw, or something similar , until it meets up with the breech-bock.

HerrKaiser 07-02-2019 04:05 PM

1 Attachment(s)
That’s because you’re measuring it from the wrong spot. The barrel starts at the end of the breechblock. This is a 4” barrel military pistol example.

Ragnar 07-02-2019 04:19 PM

Was seriously thinking that,glad to see I was mistaken.
Sooo,back to the holster, does this look like a correct fit for this Luger or need I keep searching for a correct holster a wee bit deeper?

DonVoigt 07-02-2019 04:49 PM

Wrong holster,
you need one for a 4 5/8" bbl luger, not for a 4" luger- which is what you have.

Why do you want a holster?
To carry it? or for collecting?

To carry you can find a nice cheap universal fit nylon holster; for collecting your choices are to go for an original "commercial" holster or one for a Swiss or Portuguese luger with the longer barrel.

Ragnar 07-02-2019 05:18 PM

Thanks to all for setting me straight..
03man,at 75years old not planning on carrying, just thought I like a correct holster to go with a antique Luger so shall continue the

mrerick 07-02-2019 06:54 PM

I'd recommend you hold out for a correct period holster, rather than a reproduction. That would be something much more appropriate to the pistol.

When you get it, don't store your gun inside it. Some end up getting corroded.

The Swiss Lugers are .30 Luger in caliber, and also have that longer barrel. One of those holsters could well fit the pistol properly. The Swiss were the first military force to contract to supply their officers with Lugers in 1900. A quick look shows that Bob Simpson ( has a number for sale.

Lugerdoc 07-03-2019 12:05 PM

Check the serial on your m1900 luger to see if it might be one of the 1000 American Eagle marked US Test lugers in the 6100 to 7200 serial range. if so, you may want to consider purchasing a repro US test holster from Sarco, GPC or others. TH

Ron Wood 07-03-2019 04:36 PM


Originally Posted by Lugerdoc (Post 326481)
Check the serial on your m1900 luger to see if it might be one of the 1000 American Eagle marked US Test lugers in the 6100 to 7200 serial range....TH

Thank you for asking that! Anytime a M1900 shows up, there is the possibility that it is a Test Luger and could add to the surviving gun data base.

HerrKaiser 07-03-2019 04:41 PM

If i am not mistaken, this gun has already been posted here before and generated much discussion over its unique sideplate. It was SN 8008 and had an import stamp.

Ragnar 07-06-2019 11:49 AM

this is correct.
I am looking at and concidering a couple of Swiss holster’s on Simpson Ltd.

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