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k98mike 07-13-2018 11:06 PM

I'm a modest Luger collector and took the plunge on a s code Kreighoff serial 20XX. The receiver is a plumb color, is this correct? I also purchased the book "Kreighoff Parabellum" by Gibson but was unable to find mention of this hue. I know that some Beretta's had a plum colored slide in WW 2. Any information would be greatly appreciated, Thank you in advance to whoever replies, Mike

wlyon 07-14-2018 10:28 AM

I have never seen a plum colored Kreighoff. In fact they are a darker blue than others. Many Mausers exhibit this plum color. We will see what others say but I think this luger has been reblued. Bill

1933 FORD NUT 07-14-2018 01:00 PM

Good pics would help .

I have S code 2014 and it's receiver is definitely blue - not plum .

HerrKaiser 07-14-2018 01:08 PM

1 Attachment(s)
When you say plum, do you by chance mean a color similar to that of the extractor on my shooter here? I noticed that from day 1 when I got it. IIRC, didn’t someone on here mention that it could happen in the process of strawing? I always attributed mine to the fact the toggle train has a little bit less overall blue than the rest of this pistol.

k98mike 07-14-2018 03:12 PM

The receiver is close in color to your toggle train. I've looked up all the characteristics in Gibson, Still, and Kenyon's books and the proofs, numbering, thumbprint, all check out. The barrel and toggle train are a darker blue, while the receiver is a slightly reddish color. (But only in a certain light, it's not glaring, just slightly off from the rest of the pistol.) I'm no expert, but have been collecting 30+ years and know that re-bluing results in less crisp proofs, but these proofs are crisp. I wish I had a smart phone to send pics, but I'm still in the stone age with a flip phone. The pistol was bought online from Legacy Collectables.

k98mike 07-14-2018 03:18 PM

Mine is serial 2033. I wish to God I had a smart phone, I have a flip phone.

HerrKaiser 07-14-2018 03:30 PM

Seeing as you’ve been collecting longer than I’ve been even an entertained thought on this earth, not sure what to tell you as I’ve not yet had the chance to do much research into krieghoff Lugers. Hopefully some of the other members can provide more insight. In the mean time, are you able to plug your flip phone’s charger into a computer and transfer pictures over that way?

k98mike 07-14-2018 03:32 PM

To HerrKiaser
I will try to get a friend over here today or tomorrow and get you some pictures.

Edward Tinker 07-14-2018 03:39 PM

as said - plum is not unusual for say 1939 Mausers but not for Krieghoffs

HerrKaiser 07-14-2018 03:44 PM

Which explains mine, as the train is a 42 Code on a 1937 frame.

k98mike 07-14-2018 03:47 PM

A buddy is coming over tomorrow when he gets out of church and pics will be posted then. Now I want to get to the bottom of this, Thanks guys, Mike

Zorba 07-14-2018 09:31 PM

So take some pix with a real camera and upload 'em here from your computer...

k98mike 07-14-2018 09:52 PM

Pics will be uploaded tomorrow afternoon.

Sergio Natali 07-15-2018 12:30 PM

FWIK that should be a color shift that takes place over time based on the bluing salts and the metal alloy mix, I'm not an expert but perhaps when that part was blued, the blueing salt bath concentration as well as the temperature of the bath were too low.
You see it in a good number of vintage guns, SIGs and some lugers included, but the few Krieghoffs that I've seen never had that shade.

Norme 07-15-2018 12:54 PM


Originally Posted by wlyon (Post 317559)
I have never seen a plum colored Kreighoff. In fact they are a darker blue than others. Many Mausers exhibit this plum color. We will see what others say but I think this luger has been reblued. Bill

Hi Bill,
While this is true, I have to say that I've never seen the plum color on a refinished gun.
Regards, Norm

DavidJayUden 07-15-2018 02:01 PM

Norm makes a very good point. I too have never seen that plum coloring on any Luger that showed signs of refinishing or was known to have been reblued.

DonVoigt 07-15-2018 02:20 PM

You could put a link to the Legacy pictures here.

k98mike 07-15-2018 03:09 PM

I have the pictures in my friends phone, how do we post them?

rhuff 07-15-2018 03:34 PM


Originally Posted by Norme (Post 317613)
Hi Bill,
While this is true, I have to say that I've never seen the plum color on a refinished gun.
Regards, Norm


I had my father's 22cal rifle and his single barrel 410 shotgun refinished a number of years ago, and both came out with plum colored parts....I was sorely disappointed!! These were not Lugers, but the metal is of early 1900s vintage.

k98mike 07-15-2018 03:43 PM

Here is one picture, I'm working on other ones.

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