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Hello pors12 - Otto in Austria
Otto , Send me a pm if you still have HK 5310 . I may have found a mag closer to my HK 8309 so we can work on getting my mag 5310 back in your gun 5310 .
He might miss this message, If you do a search of his user name, you can PM him
http://forum.lugerforum.com/showthread.php?t=35039 |
HK mags
Otto, Do any of your friends happen to have HK mags numbered 4556 or 10380 hanging around. I have HK mags to trade if they do have my mags. Regards Dave
I did post this on his thread and I sent him a pm also .
He contacted me so this should have a happy ending . Dave
This is fantastic! I love happy endings!
Has the mag found it's home?
Hello again Eric ,
Sad to say this has not happened yet . It is not in my 1937 HK any longer and is in the spare mag box . Heard from Otto on 11-2-16 . PM'd him on 10-17,11-3,12-10 and 12-17 . Couple emails also . After buying your mag that needs a tube [ found one ] I found another mag and was trying to get Otto to buy it and trade me but no-response so I just bought it . Anywayz that is the current status and mag 5310 is not going anywhere unless it goes back into gun 5310 but that seems to have issues ??????? Dave Quote:
Well jeez, I guess this is a lesson to me - I would have wanted to get that mag to the guy and then I would have been out of a mag....
You'd think someone would jump through hoops and ensure you were good to go.... |
4 Attachment(s)
At the time I started this thread I had 3 HK lugers and 2 HK mags .
The one he needed was of course the best one . I was contacted on the other forum about a mag closer to 8309 and it seemed like a straight deal . That is why I started this thread as it was looking good but that deal turned into nothing-no response itself . Did buy two [ $300 and $475 ] since and offered to let Otto buy the good one and trade me for 5310 but no response to that either . The lower priced one is the one needing a tube . I am now at 3 HK guns and 4 HK mags and looking at 2 more HK guns that of course have Mauser mags in them so " extra " is a stretch . ADDING pics of the 4 I have . Otto needs 5310 and I need 2014 , 6624 and 8309 . So far . I am STILL WILLING to work with Otto but when you get no response to pm's or emails it is hard . Quote:
Nice photography work! :)
What ever happened to this deal? Sounds like there was a complication.
Hey Erick ,
Not sure myself - still have [5310 ] . Only response was the " how much " and nothing else . Reason I started this thread was an offer of a good-closer mag . Nothing came of that but I did find another [8952] and offered to let Otto buy it and trade me . No response so I just bought it [$475] as it was right and much closer to my 1937 . That's your [7591] above . THANKS Mag 5310 is not going anywhere unless it is back into Otto's gun . Dave Quote:
Otto ,
Erick has offered to help you with this as he will be near you this fall . He offered to buy it and deliver it . My offer was an even up trade for same condition . Be thankful I am not like the person on the other site that wanted $1,500 for a mag that matched someones gun !!!! Time to speak up Otto . |
A hearty ATTA-BOY for Erick is in order here as he picked up the ball and ran it home .
The 5310 mag will end up in gun 5310 after all . Valuable lesson learned for me here also . |
My hat is off to you David. You made a more than fair offer. I have sent Otto an email. I will be 30 miles from him in Dec. I'd like to hand deliver it but may try to mail. I am wondering what the laws are in Austria on mailing a magazine.
I received Otto's mag today! I have reached Otto and we will arrange the meeting in Austria in December!
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