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1933 FORD NUT 10-21-2016 01:04 PM

Hello pors12 - Otto in Austria
Otto , Send me a pm if you still have HK 5310 . I may have found a mag closer to my HK 8309 so we can work on getting my mag 5310 back in your gun 5310 .

Edward Tinker 10-21-2016 01:26 PM

He might miss this message, If you do a search of his user name, you can PM him

gill120 10-21-2016 06:15 PM

HK mags
Otto, Do any of your friends happen to have HK mags numbered 4556 or 10380 hanging around. I have HK mags to trade if they do have my mags. Regards Dave

1933 FORD NUT 10-21-2016 06:57 PM

I did post this on his thread and I sent him a pm also .

1933 FORD NUT 11-03-2016 10:16 AM

He contacted me so this should have a happy ending . Dave

Erick 11-03-2016 10:43 PM

This is fantastic! I love happy endings!

Erick 03-06-2017 06:12 PM

Has the mag found it's home?

sheepherder 03-06-2017 07:05 PM


Originally Posted by 1933 FORD NUT (Post 295175)
He contacted me so this should have a happy ending . Dave

If you ain't got pics...It never happened!!! :D

1933 FORD NUT 03-09-2017 03:13 PM

Hello again Eric ,

Sad to say this has not happened yet . It is not in my 1937 HK any longer and is in the spare mag box .

Heard from Otto on 11-2-16 . PM'd him on 10-17,11-3,12-10 and 12-17 . Couple emails also .

After buying your mag that needs a tube [ found one ] I found another mag and was trying to get Otto to buy it and trade me but no-response so I just bought it .

Anywayz that is the current status and mag 5310 is not going anywhere unless it goes back into gun 5310 but that seems to have issues ???????



Originally Posted by Erick (Post 299809)
Has the mag found it's home?

Edward Tinker 03-09-2017 03:22 PM

Well jeez, I guess this is a lesson to me - I would have wanted to get that mag to the guy and then I would have been out of a mag....

You'd think someone would jump through hoops and ensure you were good to go....

1933 FORD NUT 03-09-2017 04:40 PM

4 Attachment(s)
At the time I started this thread I had 3 HK lugers and 2 HK mags .

The one he needed was of course the best one .

I was contacted on the other forum about a mag closer to 8309 and it seemed like a straight deal . That is why I started this thread as it was looking good but that deal turned into nothing-no response itself .

Did buy two [ $300 and $475 ] since and offered to let Otto buy the good one and trade me for 5310 but no response to that either . The lower priced one is the one needing a tube .

I am now at 3 HK guns and 4 HK mags and looking at 2 more HK guns that of course have Mauser mags in them so " extra " is a stretch .

ADDING pics of the 4 I have . Otto needs 5310 and I need 2014 , 6624 and 8309 . So far .

I am STILL WILLING to work with Otto but when you get no response to pm's or emails it is hard .


Originally Posted by Edward Tinker (Post 299996)
Well jeez, I guess this is a lesson to me - I would have wanted to get that mag to the guy and then I would have been out of a mag....

You'd think someone would jump through hoops and ensure you were good to go....

John Sabato 03-10-2017 10:47 AM

Nice photography work! :)

Erick 06-26-2017 01:48 PM

What ever happened to this deal? Sounds like there was a complication.

1933 FORD NUT 06-26-2017 10:07 PM

Hey Erick ,

Not sure myself - still have [5310 ] .

Only response was the " how much " and nothing else . Reason I started this thread was an offer of a good-closer mag . Nothing came of that but I did find another [8952] and offered to let Otto buy it and trade me .

No response so I just bought it [$475] as it was right and much closer to my 1937 .

That's your [7591] above . THANKS

Mag 5310 is not going anywhere unless it is back into Otto's gun .



Originally Posted by Erick (Post 304678)
What ever happened to this deal? Sounds like there was a complication.

1933 FORD NUT 08-28-2017 03:06 PM

Otto ,

Erick has offered to help you with this as he will be near you this fall .

He offered to buy it and deliver it .

My offer was an even up trade for same condition .

Be thankful I am not like the person on the other site that wanted $1,500 for a mag that matched someones gun !!!!

Time to speak up Otto .

1933 FORD NUT 08-28-2017 08:21 PM

A hearty ATTA-BOY for Erick is in order here as he picked up the ball and ran it home .

The 5310 mag will end up in gun 5310 after all .

Valuable lesson learned for me here also .

Erick 08-28-2017 10:05 PM

My hat is off to you David. You made a more than fair offer. I have sent Otto an email. I will be 30 miles from him in Dec. I'd like to hand deliver it but may try to mail. I am wondering what the laws are in Austria on mailing a magazine.

Erick 09-02-2017 04:16 PM

I received Otto's mag today! I have reached Otto and we will arrange the meeting in Austria in December!

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