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mrerick 03-23-2016 03:53 PM

New FAQ - Update suggestions and Corrections Thread
I've updated and uploaded the latest version of the FAQs in both compact PDF (for online viewing and low bandwith access) and Hi Resolution PDF (for 300dpi printing) forms.


- - - In this discussion thread, please suggest updates to current FAQs and corrections only - - -


Edward Tinker 03-23-2016 07:47 PM

:rockon:Marc has worked on this tirelessly!

HATS off to him :rockon:

mrerick 03-24-2016 01:30 PM

Thanks Rich, that oops was from copying and pasting... Fixed in next version.

I plan on revisiting things more regularly. I'd like to get the initial revision out now with the more obvious problems handled, and then revisit things in a couple of months as change requests accumulate and new material is available.

Put pictures here and I'll download them from the site. Put them up in the full resolution that you want to appear in the FAQ.

Thanks! Marc

mrerick 03-24-2016 03:12 PM

I believe I've incorporated most of those. This thread is for review of the current contents of the FAQ.

Zorba 03-24-2016 05:36 PM

I would suggest putting "decocking a luger properly" (or some such) right after "Is it OK to dry-fire...".

Diver6106 03-24-2016 10:14 PM

1 Attachment(s)
You might include information and schematic on the 22LR kit.

mrerick 03-27-2016 10:54 PM

Thanks for the pix and update!


alanint 03-28-2016 08:58 PM

When it is done, can this be shared off the site?

mrerick 03-28-2016 09:07 PM

I'm not sure how John will control access to the PDF file (if you will need to login).

I would not cross post the file elsewhere, but rather point to it here on the LugerForum site. This is important because I plan to update it more regularly.


sheepherder 03-29-2016 11:14 PM

Böhler Barrels
1 Attachment(s)
A quick edited quote from S&G's TBLAP on Böhler barrels, and the marks on some 1913-14 Luger barrels, and a pic of mine...

(Question) What is the Bö stamp on some 1913-14 Luger barrels and what does the number represent?
(Answer) [paragraph below]

No mention was made in the notes or the marking instructions of the practice of marking the barrel, both at the blank and machined stages, with the steel maker's identification and the steel batch number. This was a requirement of the Gew 98 Marking Instructions, which initially (ca. 1899) specified the letters K for Krupp or B for Bismarkhűtte be stamped in (Roman) letters 5 mm high with the batch number at the first stage of manufacture, turning, and then in 3 mm high high letters when the barrel was finished...The only instance of this regulation being applied to the P.08 was for a short period between 1913 - 14 when some pistols were fitted with Böhler steel barrels, and, following the rifle marking instructions, they were stamped with the scarce Bö mark under the barrel, usually with the steel batch number, of one or two digits either beside or under the Bö.

This number has previously been erroneously described as being the hardness of the steel, but reference to the appropriate regulations shows this was not to be the case; hardness marking never was a requirement, unlike the steel batch number, which was.

-From S&G's TBLAP

mrerick 03-30-2016 09:07 AM

This also clearly shows halos... I'll paraphrase TBLAP to avoid copyright issues...


Edward Tinker 04-04-2016 09:39 PM


Originally Posted by mrerick (Post 286088)
I'm not sure how John will control access to the PDF file (if you will need to login).

I would not cross post the file elsewhere, but rather point to it here on the LugerForum site. This is important because I plan to update it more regularly.


well actually I have the SAME FAQ on Jan Still's site, since I made this up all by myself (with input from members).

So - its for all of us - I have always figured that members might print it out - not sure what you mean by taking it off site?

Edward Tinker 04-04-2016 09:40 PM


Originally Posted by mrerick (Post 286168)
This also clearly shows halos... I'll paraphrase TBLAP to avoid copyright issues...


AND, I am always very careful where I got photos - never from a book (unless my book), never just borrow pictures on the forum without permission, etc.

I have had the FAQ on the forum since I made it, so I am always very careful...

mrerick 04-05-2016 10:26 AM

The only photos we should use are those taken by members and posted to the forum.

mrerick 04-05-2016 07:55 PM

The revised April 5, 2016 FAQ is now published on this thread's first post. Note, I did a minor update at 9:25PM EST to correct minor problems in the German/English translation appendix.

mrerick 04-07-2016 12:08 PM

An additional update / correction was posted 4/7/2016.

sheepherder 04-10-2016 09:57 AM

2 Attachment(s)
Question: Why does Moderator John Sabato insist that pictures be attached directly to the post rather than linked to an outside picture storage agency???

Answer: [Insert John's oft-repeated (to no avail) explanation here, and see pic attached below] :D

Zorba 04-23-2016 03:57 PM

Another question: "What is the 'Mauser Hump'?". I remember asking this a few years back myself - someone posted a couple of very nice pix to illustrate.

mrerick 04-23-2016 05:33 PM

Hump? What Hump?

See page 25 of the current FAQ... Marc

kurusu 04-23-2016 05:50 PM


Originally Posted by mrerick (Post 287542)
Hump? What Hump?

See page 25 of the current FAQ... Marc


Nothing new or clever to add but I just couldn't help myself, sorry.:o

PS. I still remember that movie, Mel Brooks rocks.

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