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Edward Tinker 04-17-2011 03:39 AM

Son In Afghan
3 Attachment(s)
hello all,

I am sure many of you know that my son is in Afghanistan right now, arrived about a month ago.

I also know from first hand experience that their DFAC (chow hall) probably has all the food that was never there when i was in the army, and a small PX/BX there.

That said, if anyone wants to shoot him some older off-road magazines, Jeep stuff, gun magazines (I say older, because otherwise he will get 3 copies of the same thing).

I don't know, the deployment areas are pretty well stocked unless you are remote?

He says his internet is poor, but he's called his mom, so he has phone access, not sure if that is using land lines or Skype.

Just trying to throw him some stuff from the USA, maybe toss in a used paperback or two?

SGT Jeremiah Tinker
FOB Fenty
APO, AE 09310


PS: Thats him with his dog, he rescued while a civilian and shipped back from Kuwait just over a year ago!

wdavid431 04-17-2011 08:59 AM

Please give him my thanks for his service to our country.

lugerholsterrepair 04-17-2011 12:17 PM

Ed, Will get jeremy off a pkg soon as I get to Colorado in a week or so. Does he have an email? I can ask him direct what he might like.


Ron Smith 04-17-2011 12:33 PM

Wow! He sure looks like someone I know, just can't quite put my finger on who it would be.:cool:

John D. 04-17-2011 02:28 PM


Originally Posted by Ron Smith (Post 193427)
Wow! He sure looks like someone I know, just can't quite put my finger on who it would be.:cool:

I think he takes after his Mom (fortunately for him!! :) HEH!! )...

But in all seriousness....

Please give him a "long distance" hug from all of us - and just tell him we say "thank you".. He has our respect and thanks for making a difference for all...

John D.

pitsword 04-17-2011 02:52 PM

Hi Ed,
A chip off the old block. You both are to commended and thanked for your service. Two years ago my son was down south in Helmand at f.o.b Sper wan Gah. Nasty place to be now that the spring offensive starting. Prayers out to you and your son.

Edward Tinker 04-17-2011 02:53 PM

Thanks guys. I don't think he needs anything specific, just that I can't do anything for him, so felt maybe I could ask my friends here :)

And yes, wife is much nicer looking than me :)

policeluger 04-17-2011 03:38 PM

Just sent a package off to my adopted grand daughter, an MP in Afgan, crap Ed an MP and she is a small blond ball of package time we'll remember you son....

Edward Tinker 04-17-2011 03:41 PM

Hopefully her name isn't "heather", my son says he met a nice girl over there in the army :)

cirelaw 04-17-2011 06:03 PM

Theres a prayer in my heart for you galliant son. May he return safe in your arms. You must be so proud!

WG dog 04-20-2011 03:45 PM

Mailed a package this morning as a thank you and a little entertainment (hopefully) from Lugerforum. Shotgun News, Shooting Times, Motor Trend, National Geographics (good old issues on Africa, Australia etc with maps), The First World War by Keegan, cigars, candy, keychain lights, small folding knife, a few other things.

Figured if he doesn't like cigars, somebody there will like a good smoke.:thumbup:

Edward Tinker 04-20-2011 03:57 PM

He will appreciate any and all of that, one way or another.

Hopefully he reads Keegan, I had to read it for school and it was an excellent book that I have kept (most I have gotten rid of).


Ron Smith 04-20-2011 04:18 PM

"And yes, wife is much nicer looking than me."

I worked with a Letter Carrier who lived on his own route. He said, "He was probably the only guy in the world who was happy that all of his kids looked like the Mailman."

mrerick 04-20-2011 06:44 PM

Did you know that Listerine is about the same color as Jack Daniels... We got into a lot of trouble in High School sending Listerine to VietNam troops...


Edward Tinker 04-20-2011 06:52 PM

yes, lets not get him into trouble :eek:

policeluger 04-20-2011 06:57 PM

no fried pork rinds ????

Edward Tinker 04-20-2011 07:21 PM

Saudi Arabia, no way, Iraq yes, unknown about Afghanistan... But assume they can get that from the PX, as the military brings in supplies.

Jan C Still 04-21-2011 01:34 AM

Please thank your son for me for his service to our country.

"PS: Thats him with his dog, he rescued while a civilian and shipped back from Kuwait just over a year ago! "

Anyone who loves a dog that much must be a very good person. Please thank him for the photographs of his dog.

The Wizard 04-21-2011 02:42 PM

Remember dogs are "unclean" in Islam.

Hueydriver 04-21-2011 02:56 PM

Ed, a son to be proud of for sure. Congrats!

My best to you both!!


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