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Edward Tinker 10-01-2008 10:03 AM

Happy birthday!
well heck, someone turned 21 today, they can LEGALLY OWN a luger in most states!

juan (55), Went Blakely (21), nilsolof (63)

Ron Smith 10-01-2008 07:42 PM

Actually he can legally get drunk and own a Luger in most states.

Happy Birthday Went...

Went Blakely 10-02-2008 01:46 PM

Why thanks guys, i guess you could say i'm startin' young :) Just glad to be among such friendly, knowledgeable folk here!
P.S the legal age for both is 18 here! Too young for most, in my honest opinion

John D. 10-02-2008 06:07 PM



As for me - I was drinking "legally" at 16 (THANKS MOM!! Who told the NH MV Department I was born TWO YEARS earlier than I was - which is another whole story.. ;) )

Anyway - welcome to your 21st and Luger addiction... :)

John D.

raygun 10-03-2008 09:32 AM

21 cripes , wish I Was , seems like a million years ago . I can still remember the party . My new girlfriend told me later she was going to sleep with me that night , but I passed out drunk !! ahh the frivolities of youth . Still, old age and cunning ----

All the same, congrats Went, may you enjoy many years of lugers and other fine things .

Went Blakely 10-03-2008 12:46 PM

Thanks again guys ;)

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