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John D. 01-10-2008 06:22 PM

To all of you - Thanks and an upgrade.........
I just wanted to say thank you to the "Lifetime Patrons", the Moderators - and now - the 2008 Lugerforum Patrons. You folks astonish me - and in many ways.. All of you should have received a personal note, but for the rest - I would like to thank and welcome our most recent 2008 Patron Members:
Big Norm
Bob Tracy
Don M
Edward Tinker
Frank (A special thanks to you, Frank..!)
Jack Lawman
Mike B


As well - in the next month, I want to upgrade this Forum - and in a big way... I'm working on some code to add some new controls to post - make it faster (and migrate the code to another server altogether) - and drop in some new features altogether... So.....

My thanks to each and every one of you.. While I don't post much - I read most of what being said here - and if I anything useful to contribute - I'd post it up... ;)

My thanks and best to all...!!

John D.

Edward Tinker 01-10-2008 06:39 PM

Re: To all of you - Thanks and an upgrade.........

Originally posted by John D.
While I don't post much - I read most of what being said here -

John D.

John D. 01-10-2008 09:00 PM

And - I'd now like to add:

lew1 to the list..

Charles - My sincerest thanks for your continued support of both the Luger Forum and the P 38/PPK Forum.. You are wonderful...

Thank you...!

John D.

John D. 01-13-2008 07:01 PM

After a long weekend at work (yep - I really do work ;) )

I want to welcome these new Patrons..... You folks have no idea how appreciated it is.. I'll try to follow-up with a private note tomorrow, just to say "Thank you" in private....

But, to:

Ed Tinker;
Jack Lawman; and

Thank you.. And Jack?? You bet... I'll post your name on the Rennwish site tomorrow as well... My sincerest thanks to all of you....

John D.

John D. 01-19-2008 08:43 AM

And, with my sincerest thanks - I'd like to welcome our newest 2008 LugerForum Patrons...

Heinz and
Don M

My thanks to all of you!!

John D.

Jack Lawman 01-19-2008 10:32 AM

Purge II
I would like to state for the record...


You might as well whack this one... It doesn't make much sense!

Happy New Year... you going to Louisville in Feb?


Edward Tinker 01-19-2008 10:34 AM

jack, I "purged" my reply, was afraid that john and his protacha might be stopped by NH or Mainers on I-95 :D

wlyon 01-19-2008 11:27 AM

John D
Sent you a Pay Pal payment on 1/14. Sent to Have you seen this? Is this correct? Bill

Edward Tinker 01-19-2008 11:37 AM

Jack, if I'm working and have permission, maybe but probably not. Lousiville is a long ways from Denver.

You guys should amke it to the Co Gun Collectors show at Denver in May??


John D. 01-19-2008 03:49 PM

Hi Bill..!!

You bet - and I was trying to figure out the e-mail address from Paypal - but now it makes perfect sense!! I am so sorry!! You Sir - are amazing - and with my thanks! So - without further adieu - I'd like to (finally) add:

wlyon to our 2008 Patrons! My sincerest thanks!!

Also - Jack & Ed...???

Sometimes you guys scare me... :eek:

John D.

John D. 02-08-2008 09:51 PM

And to a guy, who "lives around the corner" - The Gunman...

My thanks - welcome to becoming the latest 2008 LugerForum Patron!!!

(BTW - want to get together sometime?? I'm in NH - and nope, I'm not asking Ed to come by.. ;) )...

Seriously - thank you for your wonderful support and donation!

John D.

John D. 02-10-2008 07:31 PM

And tonite...

My thanks goes to Jesse - Hueydriver...

I read your note - and frankly, this Forum is what you are all about... My thanks for your contribution, your note and your continued support...

John D.

John D. 02-12-2008 07:50 PM

And - these are my fault.. These two guys have been waiting in the wings as Jen kept a Christmas Card on the piano (OK - we don't get a lot of Christmas cards ;) ) and let me know I got a PAYPAL....


Big Norm

Thank you!!! You should be set - and I have ABSOLUTELY no excuse.. Except Jen.. ..

That's my story - and I'm sticking to it.. ;)

My sincerest thanks to all, especially RichSr and Big Norm - for their patience and support....

John D.

Admin 02-16-2008 05:00 PM

It's been a long week for me at a personal level, but - sometimes - someone just goes out of their way to help put things back into perspective...

To stefanosg...

Thank you for your wonderful support of the LugerForum..!!!


John D.

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