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Pete Ebbink 11-02-2003 12:59 PM

Reno Gun Show...
The next Reno gun show is just 2 weeks away...!

Here is the info. link :

I understand rooms are the Hilton may be sold out for Friday and Saturday night. The Peppermill is also a nice place to stay but is a drive away from the Hilton.

We are planning another Luger Forum dinner group on Friday night at 18:30 Hrs. at the Steak House in the Hilton. Folks are welcomed to join us.

The head-count I have so far for the show and dinner is as follows :

* Russ Withem
* Doc Herb Fisher
* Ralph Shattuck
* Ed Bianco
* Jim Elson (aka Lodi Jim)
* me...

As usual, I believe Russ will allow us to use his table area as our "base" during the show days...

Also...if driving in, you might want to watch the weather reports closely...I have a SWA airlines ticket in reserve just in case the roads are iced/snowed over...

Hope to see more luger "nuts" at the show...!


Pete... <img border="0" alt="[typing]" title="" src="graemlins/yltype.gif" />

Herb 11-02-2003 01:51 PM

Pete and others, I won't be able to make this one, the wife will have the car in KA at that time and the ole truck just uses too much gas to make a 1300 mile round trip. As you stated check the weather, it can be really nasty at that time of year. Here is a great link for weather conditions in the western US
just click your cursor on the area of interest, have fun guys.

Lodi Jim 11-02-2003 04:07 PM

Pete, count me in. If memory correct, I'm co-hosting dinner - OK?


Pete Ebbink 11-02-2003 04:35 PM

Thanks, Jim...did not want to volunteer you until we heard from you.

I will be the other half of the co-hosting dinner.

After our August outing, I think Russ and Doc will appreciate eating free this time... :D


Pete... <img border="0" alt="[typing]" title="" src="graemlins/yltype.gif" />

Edward Tinker 11-02-2003 06:16 PM

Have to count me out also, I am traveling most of November, but jeez, I had a great time last time, talking to Herb, Pete, Russ and Dwight among others. Not much things "funner" than that!


Big Norm 11-03-2003 03:22 AM

One of these days during the summer I am going to have to make one of those shows just to meet the gang. Sounds like a good time.
Big Norm

Russ 11-04-2003 09:32 PM

Yes I will be there Friday and saturday. I have to go if Pete and Jim are buying dinner! :D Not going to bring a whole lot.

Russ <img border="0" alt="[cheers]" title="" src="graemlins/beerchug.gif" />

Pete Ebbink 11-16-2003 01:49 AM

Thanks to all that made the Reno gun show and joined us for dinner. We had a motley crew of 14 folks, with 4 ladies amongst the fellows.

My special thanks to Lodi Jim for helping co-host the dinner...

Next Reno show is April 23-25, 2004...mark your calendars...!


Pete... <img border="0" alt="[typing]" title="" src="graemlins/yltype.gif" />

Russ 11-16-2003 08:37 AM

Thanks to the two of you for buying dinner!!! :D

It was a very good show.

Russ <img border="0" alt="[cheers]" title="" src="graemlins/beerchug.gif" />

drbuster 11-16-2003 10:16 PM

I second Russ' thanks (burp!) and am looking forward to many more fine dinners and meeting with such good friends.

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