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Steve Richards 11-14-2002 01:54 AM

Tight holsters
The two holsters that I have are both reproductions that are supposedly made from old patterns. One is from CMR and is definately better. But they both have the same thing that is not really a problem. Would it have hurt to use about an extra 1/16 inch of leather? I had to soak both holsters before a gun would go in and the flap close. Wrapping the gun in plastic and reinforcing with tape around the barrel alowed the guns to go into a water soaked holster which then dried but why are they made this tight?

Ron Wood 11-14-2002 11:21 AM

Maybe so someone could come up with the palindrome "snug guns"! [img]wink.gif[/img]

Steve Richards 11-14-2002 08:35 PM

I like your answer.


lugerholsterrepair 11-16-2002 11:03 PM

Steve, These were made this way because the people who made them are poor craftsmen. It is not possible to replicate German leather work. No one in today's world has the skills to produce a holster with the quality of turn of the century German leather workers. We will never see this level of work again. It is gone forever. I once wrote a critique of CMR holsters and found many things wrong with them. Fit being just one of them. It is my opinion that these people make a holster that is poor indeed. Jerry Burney

Steve Richards 11-20-2002 08:32 PM


You are very likely correct. However I do like the quality of the leather on the one from CMR compared to the other one. But , they are what I have and now that I have formed them, they work quite well. Do you make new holsters or do you restrict yourself to repairs? This is not a slam on doing repairs! From repairing gemstones, I know that it is often more difficult to repair something than starting from scratch. <img src="graemlins/xyxwave.gif" border="0" alt="[bigbye]" />

lugerholsterrepair 11-23-2002 02:18 AM

Steve, I in no way am criticizing your choice of holsters. It's just that I think CMR could do a lot better job with just a little attention to detail. They are making the piece anyway, why not do it a little better?

Yes I do make holsters from scratch. Not very many. Mostly one's that are not available on the repro market such as baby Luger holsters. There is no way to compete with the massed produced repro holsters. They are too cheap and the quality is not something I could tolerate.Odd thing about it is, most start out with good leather. Then they proceed down hill from there.

I mostly concentrate on repair or restoration of collector holsters. I use the same techniques and materials as the Germans did at the turn of the century. As far as I know I am the only professional Luger holster restorer in the World. If there is another, he has yet to show himself anywhere I can find.The market is so small that if I were doing this for the money I would stop and get a real job. I see many holsters that I could not see otherwise. Quite a few people assume I am a holster expert and I am not. I am expert at repairing them but have little time to actually study their historical intracacies. Thanks for asking, Jerry Burney

Thor 11-23-2002 04:25 PM

Yep, Jerry makes a few JEWEL holsters from scratch like this AWESOME Buckskin colored (my specification on the color) Hardshell for a BABY LUGER! TOO SWEET! Thanks Jerry!

G.T. 11-23-2002 07:38 PM

That holster is just outstanding!! One hell of a lot a work in that baby!! Till...later...G.T. <img src="graemlins/jumper.gif" border="0" alt="[jumper]" />

lugerholsterrepair 11-24-2002 04:27 PM

Thor, G.T., Thanks again for the kind words about my work. Thor, any word on your Baby Luger?

G.T. , I don't think I properly thanked you for the surprise magazine bottom you sent me...I was, and am, astounded at the fit and quality of your magazine bottoms. This one will hold a special place in my collection. It is rare to find people with the skills that rival those of the Germans but you two have proven up to the task!

I have been extremly busy here in Yuma so have not had enough time to look over the Forum as I useually do during the Summer. I will try a bit harder. Thanks to you both...Jerry Burney

Thor 11-24-2002 04:34 PM

The word is only the grips remain to be fitted on my baby, but of course I am going to have an Eagle engraved on it in two places so that may delay it some. Actually since WOL is now May instead of March, I MIGHT have the ensemble ready for inspection by then. I will have my K date ready by then.

lugerholsterrepair 11-24-2002 04:53 PM

Thor, Wel I am anxious to see the two together.

Sorry to hear the WOL is going to be in May this year. I wanted to make it but I will leave AZ for Colorado the first of May. Just not meant to happen I guess...Jerry Burney

G.T. 11-24-2002 07:02 PM

Hi Jerry! The nice note I received from your lovely wife Ellie was thanks aplenty! She had mentioned that you had a lot on your plate at the time! And as I remember, a helping hand to someone who was in need of help! I just marvel at your holster work, and someday I hope to have you custom make one for me! They are truly outstanding! Best to you, and I sincerely hope we can make the WOL trip work out in your favor, as I think you would be a great addition to the event.... till...later...G.T. <img src="graemlins/jumper.gif" border="0" alt="[jumper]" />

Thor 11-24-2002 07:58 PM

Jerry, I sure hope we can all make the WOL trip, since it is all up in the air at this point. A few people have said May is not the best time either, I hope it doesnt go into the "serious summer" time down there. I long for the Baby, the holster and the beautiful case to finally get together(also had GT bottoms on the mags) I have also had a dream today of a nice (very unique) K date case. I wrote Dok an email on it so I can "get in line" and start thinking about it. His cases are worth waiting for. The wonderful thing about WOL is you not only get to see so many cool Lugers, but you get to meet so many great people! A real plus ++ <img src="graemlins/c.gif" border="0" alt="[ouch]" />

lugerholsterrepair 11-24-2002 11:35 PM

Thor, I recomend that you think about the WOL trip for no later than April or so...May weather in Phoenix can be miserable. Jerry Burney

Thor 11-24-2002 11:43 PM

Jerry, I fully understand and agree, I was down there for 4 weeks in August one year and we were working on an Industrial park design in Yuma (dont know if it ever got built) But it is out of my hands as the Shattucks are booked up until May, so it might become an Oktoberfest (not a bad idea)

TheRomanhistorian 11-25-2002 02:52 AM

Hey Mr. Richards,

Could you describe your method of soaking the holster. I bought a repro holster a while back (cheapest they had since I was on a budget) and it's too tight a fit for my Luger, I think that if I didn't have a lanyard in real life I would never be able to get the damned thing out. I may not put my actual gun in there might put a reproduction gun in there. (I found a nicely done cast-iron or some other metal and may buy it for display).

Steve Richards 11-25-2002 08:43 PM

First things first. DO NOT DO THIS TO A VINTAGE HOLSTER! This is only for a repro holster.

Put the holster in a pan or sink with water. If the flap is the type that has a hole that goes over a metal peg, keep that part of the flap dry or it will deform the leather at that point.

While the leather is getting wet, put the gun in a plastic bag that has no holes in it. The bags the grocery stores use now work fine. Wrap the plastic around the muzzle with some tape to keep the barrel from poking through the plastic. I use clear packaging tape but most tapes that will not disintegrate in water will work.

In the time it takes to do this the holster should be soaked completely. Take the holster out of the water and towel dry the excess water from it and put the gun in. You may have to squeeze and work the holster to get the gun in and the flap closed. Squeeze with your hands on the holster seam and the edge opposite that. This opens up the holster and lets the gun go in easier. Keep working at it and you should not have to use very much force to get the gun in. Let the whole thing air dry and you are done. I had to do it twice to the CMR rig but it now fits just fine.

If you get the cast model gun, I would certainly use that. I did not get either of my guns wet doing this but why take the chance if you do not need to. Just make sure the bag does not have any holes in it and that you put tape around the muzzle where the stress on the plastic is very high.

<img src="graemlins/beerchug.gif" border="0" alt="[cheers]" />

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