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tracyp 04-22-2004 04:04 PM

How was the Reno show?
I haven't seen any reports on the Reno Gunshow. How was it? Did anyone pickup any Lugers?

Unfortunately, I couldn't make it this time. Maybe I'll make it to the August show.

Hope you guys had fun.


Thor 04-22-2004 04:14 PM

Tracy, I think it starts tomorrow.
Reno Gun Show Thread

cactus-one 04-23-2004 03:36 PM

I am going to try to make the dinner at the Hilton Steakhouse, and be at the show tomorrow. I hope there will be room for me at the dinner, I could not make it to the show today to tell them. --- George

Torquemada055 04-24-2004 06:27 PM

I just got home from the show after 2 day's in Reno, was there on thursday night, got up early yesterday and met a bunch of very smart people from the group there.
Including George who made it to dinner with his very nice wife !
There were 18 for dinner last night and if you go to the Steakhouse, don't get the Tuscan Chicken, the sauce was very good, but the portions were only big enough for a gnat, okay so I'm 6'1" and 280 but it still wasnt enough.
I met Pete, Jan Still, Ralph Sahttuck, and a host of others who helped make this a very enjoyable time for me.
By the way, we all discussed the many Lugers on display and it was most interesting to listen to Doc, Pete,Ralph and the rest discuss them and the merits of each.
<img border="0" alt="[jumper]" title="" src="graemlins/jumper.gif" /> <img border="0" alt="[jumper]" title="" src="graemlins/jumper.gif" /> <img border="0" alt="[jumper]" title="" src="graemlins/jumper.gif" /> <img border="0" alt="[jumper]" title="" src="graemlins/jumper.gif" /> <img border="0" alt="[jumper]" title="" src="graemlins/jumper.gif" />

Lodi Jim 04-24-2004 09:30 PM

Sorry I couldn't attend dinner but had problem with finding a sitter for Petie da Pug. Ended up staying in Tahoe at dog friendly site. Little disappointed in show, found a '14 Erfurt that didn't quite look right so I passed. Then there's the guy who brings 25-30 Lugers but doesn't know if he wants to sell any of them! After asking for price on two of them - 4 times over 4 hour period I finally left totally frustrated.

The good thing is I have money in my jeans cause I didn't buy anything!

See you all at the next show.


On a plus side, took a AMT 30 Carbine to my gunsmith, Gene Shuey, to have him trick it out. It throws a 3' flame and rattles the range windows when it shoots. A real show stopper!

Ron Smith 04-25-2004 11:45 AM

I picked up a 1921/1920 Police re-work, W/ armorer repaired holster and original rod.With a valued assist from Russ and Pete. Everything else looked kind of spooky. Did'nt make the dinner. Was'nt feeling up to it.
Talked to Pete, Dwight and Russ. Glad I got to meet you guys. Sorry I missed dinner.

Pete Ebbink 04-25-2004 12:27 PM

1. Dinner was fun with 18 luger nuts and some spouses joining us. The Hilton family gave up their private dinner room for us. We heard that the Baron Hilton family was due and had reserved the room; then cancelled at the last minute. Lost our chance to see "Paris" in person... :(

Feedback from several members about dinner was that the portions were small, pricey, some food dry, etc. Only bargin was the elk plate...Dwight was the only smart one. So much meat on the plate that he was still eating while dessert was being offered up...I had a piece of salmon that looked more like a fat fish stick...

Maybe next time we should try another place, maybe with several smaller a large group prevents some folks from chatting with others.

2. The luger highlight of the trip for me was a very nice and very honest 1906 Unaltered Navy rig (pistol, holster, ammo pouch, 3 magazines (not matching). My guess would be in the $ 7500 to $ 8000 price range...??? There was also a nice and honest 1906 Navy altered, a lone gun, for $ 4500 asking. Both were still in the selling case when I left the show mid-day on Saturday.

3. Seemed all artillery lugers on the tables were priced very high. 95% or so 1917 LP-08's with selling prices of over $ 2800.

4. Lodi Jim; you are not alone about your frustrations with that particular luger seller. Most have the same experience. Notice how all/most lugers on the table spanning over 60-80 years have that identical "blackish" variations between DWM and Erfurt finishes even... :confused:

5. No real bargins at the show. Dwight and I spotted a 1914 DWM (mixed parts as Dwight found out) that had been black chromed with a sticker price of $ 550.

6. Jan Still was there with a table meeting folks and selling a few remaining books. Got to meet and chat with Jan as well as did others during the show.

7. Lots of nice luger holster on the tables at both Bob Young's and Ralph Shattuck's places. Prices a bit too rich for this fella, though... :(

8. Tried to hunt down a decent, honest M1900 AE (non-test) in my price range. One was located but with a steep price of over $ 3600 asking and it had a number "2" stamped on the rear of the frame, just above the landyard staple. Passed mainly on price. Several others were there, also pricey...passed on them as well.

9. It was great that Russ Withem and his friend Ken allowed many of us LF members to use their tables as our base, a few a chance to sit down when our feet ached. Offered some nice red wines to LF members for free as well. Thanks to Russ and Ken !!! <img border="0" alt="[cheers]" title="" src="graemlins/beerchug.gif" />

10. Tables with lugers included San Jose Gun Exchange, Krausewerks, WOL, Bill Christensen, Randy Bessler, and a few other tables scattered about with 1-2 lugers here and there...

11. Always a good show to see a variety of lugers, both original finish and not...spanning many years, makers, and models. Good educational tool even if one is not planning to buy...once you see a number of original finish pieces, some of the more-expertly refinished ones begin to stand out more easily...


Pete... <img border="0" alt="[typing]" title="" src="graemlins/yltype.gif" />

drbuster 04-25-2004 03:31 PM

Great summary, Pete. I shared all of your experiences and dinner as well. Prices of lugers are headed north and one can not be 100% sure of authenticity. It was great to have that knowledgable and level headed Dwight Gruber there to dampen my over enthusiasm and bring me down to reality. I would have missed some very vital points on two 1902 AE's. Thanks, Dwight. Hope you attend many more Reno shows.

Thor 04-25-2004 03:54 PM


Lloyd in Nevada 04-25-2004 04:33 PM

Got back from Reno last night. Went to the show with a good friend and fellow Axis pistol collector Dean Gizzi (Dgiz) from over on Jan Still's site. Had a wonderful time and was able to score a couple of things (non luger) that I was after.

Had a very short but pleasant visit with Pete who gave me a good "run down" on the Luger situation at the show--thanks Pete! Saw and visited with Russ and his friend, and visited with Jan Still and his wife on several occasions--very nice folks. Missed Ralph Shattuck at his table but spoke with his wife for a few minutes. Also, had the pleasure of meeting and visiting with Dwight Grubber at Jan's table. Dwight you have the most pleasing/mellow voice and manner I think you could hypnotize me--very interesting about how your Luger collecting interest evolved. Herb I didn't see you at the show hope to see you next time. Ron Smith didn't get a chance to meet you maybe next time also. Didn't make the dinner but it sounds like there was enough there without me barging in.

I did purchase, as I said, a couple of non luger items at the show. Excuse me, I did buy one wood bottom Luger magazine for a 1915 DWM I have that needed a magazine. Bought a very nice Nazi acceptance stamped tangent sighted High Power and a late war Jap type 14 canvas holster (the best I have ever seen) with intact and nice condition canvas straps rarely if ever seen in this condition--now I just need the late war T14 pistol. Anyway, all I can say is I am glad I just don't collect Lugers! (I am however broke most of the time-ha ha ha--smile)

Look forward to the next show and seeing you great bunch of fellow collectors--Lloyd in Nevada out!

drbuster 04-25-2004 09:39 PM

Ted, Ralph did NOT have your K date displayed on the table top. If he did I certainly would have not been able to take my eyes off of it. That doesn't mean that he no longer has it but it wasn't on the table. Hope that is of some help.

Thor 04-25-2004 09:58 PM

N/A <img border="0" title="" alt="[Wink]" src="wink.gif" />

drbuster 04-25-2004 10:37 PM

Dwight Gruber, I hope you read this...please check your private messages.

cactus-one 04-26-2004 10:40 AM

I was able to make the dinner at the Hilton Steakhouse on Friday, and met some very nice LF people, including Pete, Ralph, Dwight, Russ, Jan, and others. It was very enjoyable for my wife and I. I went to the show on Saturday, bought a book from Jan, and did a bit of Luger business too. Pete was very kind, helpful, and informative. All in all I had a very good time on Friday and Saturday. It was fun. --- George

Dwight Gruber 04-27-2004 09:32 PM

It looks like I'm late to the party with this discussion, I just got back into town--a leasurely drive north over the last 2 1/2 days, instead of the 12-hour marathon drive down last Thursday.

This was a particularly memorable show. In addition to meeting--or re-meeting--all of you Luger Forum folks who were there, there was the opportunity to meet and talk with some of the major names in Luger collecting. You already know Jan Still was there with a table, a terrific and friendly person. But at one point I found myself sitting at a table with Jan, Bob Hogan, and Don Rousseau (look in Jan Still's books for his photo credits). You know, you cannot -buy- the kind of knowledge and experience that simply sitting near folks like this and listening, fly-on-the-wall style, affords you.

Of course, these were not the only expert collectors who were there, and this kind of personal meeting and experience is the real value of a show like Reno.

There is another interesting aspect to meeting and talking to these people. For me, and I'm certain for others on this Forum who went, there were Lugers galore--literally dozens of examples to view, examine, compare. And yet the experienced, long-time collectors bemoaned the lack of Lugers--"There's nothing here..." was a repeated comment. And in a sense I suppose that's true. It was very interesting to see the examples presented at the show through the eyes of experienced, advanced collectors rather than just those of us--I suppose I should really only speak for myself here--who are merely advanced accumulators.

As far as a Luger report is concerned, it was very daunting to deep track of all the Lugers at the show. A lot of guns moved around on Thursday (dealer set-up day), on any given table you could look at a bunch of guns, turn your back to them, and when you turned around again half of them would be gone. I missed making notes on quite a few Lugers because of this.

(By the way, the secret to going to the Reno show is to go on Thursday and spend the $50 for an Honored Guest Pass--it gets you in for the Thursday dealer setup day and also into the show the rest of the weekend an hour before the general public admission.)

But back to the Lugers:

Several Lugers on one table:
1914 Erfurt LP-08, very nice, $1,995
1937 S/42 $1,195
1916 Police conversion (not a two-date) $895
1923 Commercial (five-digit serial#) Safe/Loaded, $1,995
Police Banner, Eagle/L with matching mag, $2,700
1906 Royal Portuguese Navy, perfect shape, $9,000

Pete has already mentioned the two 1906 Navys, along with them were a 1916 LP-08 and a 1906 Swiss (no price tags) and a 1920 Alphabet Commercial. During the weekend a a gorgeously cased and accoutred pair of 1906s showed up here--a .30 and a 9mm, both about 98%--which could have been picked up for between $6-$7,000.

Bob Lewis had half-a-dozen Lugers, didn't get a chance to record them, same with Ralph's dozen or so guns.

Another table:
1900 American Eagle, decent but overpriced at $3,650
1906 Commercial .30, $1,350
1920 Commercial, $850
At least four guns left this table before I could note them, and he accumulated 3 Interarms Swiss-pattern guns in the course of the weekend.

Yet Another Table:
1938 S/42, nice, $1.2k
1920 Commercial Navy, $3.5k
1918 Erfurt, $1.1k
41/42, $1.2k
1937 date Krieghoff, $4k

Thats pretty much the serious Luger tables, but there were quite a few scattered around the hall pretty much on their own.

1938 S/42, very nice with proper (not matching) mag, $900

1940 42, fair, $1,050

1906 American Eagle with Ideal grips, fair, very overpriced at $2.8k

1938 S/42 with holster and black-base fxo mag, $1,450

1914 DWM misc. mismatch parts gun, $550

Simson blank chamber, $2.5k
byf 42, $1,250
1940 42, $1,250

1906 American Eagle, 9mm with proper mag, overpriced at $1,750
1918 Erfurt with Crown/III holster, $1.9k
1st issue military DWM, $1.8k

1912 Erfurt mismatch (wrong frame) VOPO, $1,150

1917 DWM, $1,095

1916 DWM, $895

1900 American Eagle w/Swiss + barrel, $1,750
1906 AE, didn't catch price

1920 Commercial Artillery, modern reblue and suspect, $2,150.
1908 Navy, reblued with suspicious C/M proofs, in the neighborhood of $3k

The odd Luger of this show was a blank-firing Luger, apparently originating in a Hollywood prop shop. The gun started out as a 1918 Police pistol with a sear safety, but it had a constrictor ring inserted into the .30 barrel and two short pins inserted into the receiver under the toggle ears which kept the action from locking, although one couldn't tell it from casual observation. The gun would chamber blanks with full-length crimped cases, and the breechblock closed close enough to fire the weapon. The barrel constriction provides enough power to cycle the action and chamber another blank from the magazine. Asking price $450, and the seller would provide the name of a guy who makes blanks for it.

There were a dozen or so Interarms Mausers at various tables, mostly (but not exclusively) Swiss frames, going for $800-$900. There were also quite a few 1920 Alphabet Commercials scattered around, going price seemed to be pretty consistently $850, save for the one totally overpriced at $1.1k and a real junker for $475. No one would offer more than about $400 for one if you had one to trade however--I know, I tried.

Pete's right about another thing, the hit meal at the Steak House restaurant is the Elk--totally delicious, and a portion almost larger than one person can eat. I looked forward to this almost every day since the last Reno show I went to in August last year.

I mustn't leave this subject without thanking Russ Withem and his friend Ken Coyle for offering their tables as a base of operations for the Forum, and providing several interesting Lugers to consider at the same time. Russ also put me onto a rather nice early 1900 American Eagle, which I will present in the appropriate Forum very soon.

Russ 04-27-2004 10:21 PM

To everyone who went to Reno. I realy enjoyed talking and seeing all of you. <img border="0" alt="[blabla]" title="" src="graemlins/a_smil17.gif" /> My wife and I enjoyed dinner And <img border="0" alt="[cherrsagai]" title="" src="graemlins/drink.gif" /> . And it is my plesure to let the Luger forum use my table as a meeting place.

I had a great show. I was only able to buy 1 luger. I will try and post photo's of it in the Navy forum. <img border="0" alt="[jumper]" title="" src="graemlins/jumper.gif" />

Russ <img border="0" alt="[burnout]" title="" src="graemlins/burnout.gif" />

Edward Tinker 04-27-2004 11:31 PM

Dwight, great write up, as usual. :)

Thansk to all for keeping us want-to-go's informed!


Carl 04-28-2004 08:38 PM

Please check PM.

Dwight Gruber 04-29-2004 12:14 AM

</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana,Tahoma,Arial,Helvetica,Geneva">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana,Tahoma,Arial,Helvetica,Geneva">Originally posted by Herbert M. Fisher:
<strong>Dwight Gruber, I hope you read this...please check your private messages.</strong></font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana,Tahoma,Arial,Helvetica,Geneva">Check your own, too...


Big Norm 04-29-2004 12:24 PM

it sounds like everyone had a great time. I am looking for some pictures of the attendees. Where some name tags issued to identify LugerForum members from the other rif-raf? Most of us only know each other from our nicknames. Its time that we start identifying ourselves as members of the elite and knowledgible group that we are.
Big Norm

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