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mrerick 09-21-2020 03:28 PM

Jan Still Luger Forum update
The software that runs the Jan Still Luger forum on GunBoards was updated this morning.

Edited by John D.

Thank you so much for your "Public Service Announcement" - took me a while to figure out what was going on - and where I was!.....

sheepherder 09-21-2020 04:40 PM

I was able to re-login OK. I couldn't find whatever sub-forum it was that I usually login to. There seems to be more sub-forums than before. I couldn't find the Russian Contract Lugers discussion forum. :rolleyes:

sheepherder 09-21-2020 06:54 PM


Originally Posted by mrerick (Post 333697)
The sub forums are all listed at:

Is this the forum you were seeking?

Bwahahahahahaha!!! It is!!! It's good to see someone else with a sense of humor!!! :thumbup: :p :evilgrin:

Edward Tinker 09-21-2020 07:15 PM

The website name is barely different than John D's website (this one).

John D - they just upgraded Jan Stills luger forum, previously it was
Jan C Still Luger Pistols Central Powers Axis ... › forum

I had no idea they were changing the web site name - must have a re-direct

now it is


John D. 09-21-2020 07:58 PM

To be honest,

I have no use for freeloaders and copycats.

Looks to me like Jan Still, Tuco and Vertical Scopes have lost their moral compass. No, I didn't sell out to Vertical Scopes - now, if they can't "buy it honestly" - they'll to to create a bit of FUD. How professional of them [<-sarcasm on]...

Amazing... We've been around since 2001. I suspect we'll be around a lot longer.

John D.

John D. 09-21-2020 08:17 PM


Originally Posted by mrerick (Post 333697)
The sub forums are all listed at:

Is this the forum you were seeking?

Amazing.... Took me a while to figure out where I was..

John D.

Edward Tinker 09-21-2020 08:24 PM


Originally Posted by John D. (Post 333703)
To be honest,

I have no use for freeloaders and copycats.

Looks to me like Jan Still, Tuco and Vertical Scopes have lost their moral compass. No, I didn't sell out to Vertical Scopes - now, if they can't "buy it honestly" - they'll to to create a bit of FUD. How professional of them...

Amazing... We've been around since 2001. I suspect we'll be around a lot longer.

John D.

Well, Tuco and Vic sold to Vertical Scopes a long time ago - I told you about Jan - he doesn't even know they swapped the forum.

I left this same message to their admin - told them it was a user name already - and Jans site is more Axis, Imperial and Weimar pistols - not just lugers. Which i told them.


John D. 09-21-2020 08:32 PM


Originally Posted by Edward Tinker (Post 333705)
Well, Tuco and Vic sold to Vertical Scopes a long time ago - I told you about Jan - he doesn't even know they swapped the forum.

I left this same message to their admin - told them it was a user name already - and Jans site is more Axis, Imperial and Weimar pistols - not just lugers. Which i told them.


Yea - I sold a whopping site over 8 years ago with over 250,000 users and 3,000,000 posts. I still get a "vote" on the direction of the site? Sorry, Ed. But - I doubt it. It doesn't say much for the integrity displayed on their part.

John D.

Edward Tinker 09-21-2020 08:38 PM


Originally Posted by John D. (Post 333706)
Yea - I sold a whopping site over 8 years ago with over 250,000 users and 3,000,000 posts. I still get a "vote" on the direction of the site? Sorry, Ed. But - I doubt it. It doesn't say much for the integrity displayed on their part.

John D.

I'm sorry John - I am very confused - I think Marc was just helping sheepherder - I was trying to warn / tell you about the new name. I have little say in what that company does in the background?

John D. 09-21-2020 08:57 PM

No problem with you at all, Ed - seriously - hope you don't take it that way. You've been amazing for years - umm - decades??!! ;)

Yep - I do take issue with the "freeloading" by Vertical Scopes - and all those involved. They knew exactly what they were doing and why. "Professionalism" and "honor" appears to be a bygone trait of yesteryear - and rather, if they can't "buy it" honestly - they'd rather take another underhanded tact. It will be interesting to watch how this unfolds for them.

As for the rest? I don't feel I need to subsidize Vertical Scopes et al - and be their public "PA" system for their "new forum".

I wouldn't expect them to do it for this community - the "Original and real Lugerforum", either. I don't hold to "double standards" either.

Best always,

John D.

mrerick 09-21-2020 08:57 PM

In fact, I pointed out the name similarity to Ed over on the other forum, and the fact that Jan Still's name is no longer associated on the site.

Rich asked about finding "Russian Lugers" over there, and I looked for the location since he had trouble finding it and told him where they were located.

I have no stake in the changes or naming - in fact I think it will be very confusing for people trying to sort things out.

I posted about the password auto-fill issue to try and help established members that also participate here so that they could login.

I've never perceived a competition between the sites - in fact have seen them as mutually supporting in many ways.

I hope that this gets sorted out, and will quit making any references to the other forum here.

sheepherder 09-21-2020 09:00 PM


Originally Posted by Edward Tinker (Post 333707)
I'm sorry John - I am very confused - I think Marc was just helping sheepherder

Yes. The sub-forum Marc pointed out/linked to is partly labeled - "...Swiss, Bulgarian, Dutch, Russian, Portuguese,Brazilian, Bolivian, Chilean; DWM contracts..."

I think we all enjoy the Russian/Totenkopf/Spandau/Mum discussions and the theories advanced... ;)

John D. 09-21-2020 09:07 PM


Originally Posted by mrerick (Post 333709)
....I've never perceived a competition between the sites - in fact have seen them as mutually supporting in many ways....

Neither did I, until today.

Be assured, I won't consider taking their "Low Road", however. I have more integrity then those responsible for this, which certainly is NOT of your doing, Marc!

Have a great evening,

John D.

Edward Tinker 09-21-2020 09:44 PM


Originally Posted by John D. (Post 333712)
Neither did I, until today.

Be assured, I won't consider taking their "Low Road", however. I have more integrity then those responsible for this.

Have a great evening,

John D.

well, I was pretty irritated when I realized that they had made a name change.
I asked them to reconsider their name change - I find it inappropriate that they would do so.

martin08 09-22-2020 11:34 AM

John D.

I am a Moderator over on Gunboards, and have been watching the "Migration" of both Gunboards and Jan Still's Luger Gunboards over to the Vertical Scope Xenforo forum format.

To be honest, I do not think that Vertical Scope even know that your forum exists, let alone making an attempt to undercut your established integrity here.

I can see that a request has been made of Vertical Scope to change the URL name, so as not to mimic so closely to yours. I suspect that they can and will change it.

-Matt Martin

John D. 09-22-2020 11:53 AM

My thanks for that, Matt.

To be equally honest, they have contacted me throughout the years in an attempt to purchase this community. I declined both times, so they are well aware of this site, forum and community. I absolutely would love to believe it was an oversight, but reality, it was apparently intentional.

My thanks for your comments!

John D.

spangy 10-24-2020 09:12 AM

I'm sorry but this was NO accident, this was deliberate IMHO
The 2 previous attempts to BUY this domain proves deliberate intent.

Pretending to be or represent a brand is Cybersquattin aka. Brand Poaching or Domain Squatting.
Using a branded name to increase search results for another product would be traditional infringement.

Using a domain name very similar to an existing one may result in trademark infringement -- the violation of someone's trademark rights. If you infringe someone's trademark, a court might order you to stop using the name and pay money damages to the other domain name owner.

Another reason to buy more than one domain is to keep the competition from poaching your business. Brand poaching is a serious problem for even major brands. A competitor with a similar name may inadvertently or deliberately create confusion, so having related or similar domain names helps to protect your brand ... IE:

A domain name identical — or very similar — to the one you use to do business. ... Also referred to as cybersquatting, domain squatting has moved from being completely legal to falling in a gray area, permissible in some cases and illegal in others.

The law looks at domain squatting as similar to holding a property (the domain name) in order to raise ransom, and it is considered a trademark infringement.

John D. 10-24-2020 01:40 PM


Originally Posted by spangy (Post 334444)
I'm sorry but this was NO accident, this was deliberate IMHO
The 2 previous attempts to BUY this domain proves deliberate intent.
..(Snip of a terrific summary)..

You, Sir - are exactly correct, and is a terrific summation of what I was counseled. As many of you know - I've been doing this for decades - and have sold huge sites and not sold smaller site - but - you are exactly correct.

I'll also add that aside from your comments, personally, I have an ethical and moral issue with their intentional ploy. I will have nothing to do with them, will not support them and wonder why anyone would want to facilitate that community and the owners of the same - knowing their demonstrated lack of integrity. Frankly, if I was a Mod there - I'd tell them to change it, regain their sense of morality - or I'd step down.

To me - it really is that simple...

Thanks for your support, comments and observations. You are correct in all and so very appreciated.

John D.

Edward Tinker 10-24-2020 04:33 PM

Although I agree with what you say John - if the moderators left - it would be awful - I feel a commitment to Jan - if he dies - then I am not sure, but its important to me that I not besmirch his name and I also will not betray this site, which got me into collecting, where I was taught by you, Bill Munis and several other people.

John D. 10-24-2020 04:41 PM

I understand your position. But, in reality - didn't they already betray you with this obvious ethical and immoral action - and ask you to continue for their gain?

You recently sent me a copy of your wonderful book. Would you be in the least bit upset if I used your Title - off by a SINGLE LETTER, your readers, your chapters, content and context to "copy yours" and "resell it as mine"?

The LugerForum is the title of "my book".

Do what you will - it makes no matter to me, as I don't have to make this decision. I simply judge business by their actions. Your "Owners" over there perhaps need to understand the difference between what they think the "can get away with" - and those things that are morally and ethically "right". You make the decisions that are best for you. I make those that are best for THIS community - not theirs. I'll continue to do that.

John D.

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