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zeke1312 09-28-2005 10:36 PM

After watching
"Triumph of The Will", the 2 hr propaganda documentary made in 1934, I wondered and assume that all sidearms worn by the paramilitary were Lugers?

The film would be of interest for those whose focus is on military dress, belts, chevrons, boots, spurs, sabres, etc.

G.W. Gill 09-30-2005 01:33 AM

Zeke, I deleted my rant about Leni Refinstal and the zippies. There are most likely some good pics if one can stop and zoom on equipment.:cheers:

Lugerdoc 09-30-2005 08:41 AM

GW, I must agree with Lenny that this film is interesting as a historical document. One can see how many Germans of that time were swept up in the pagentry and mob mentality, similar to what one might see at a rock concert today. Let's use it as a reminder --- Never again. TH

Ron Smith 09-30-2005 10:03 AM

Those who forget the past. Are doomed to repeat it. We need to be reminded.


policeluger 09-30-2005 10:38 AM

I will not defend anyone in the 3rd Reich, but just a question with deepest respect to all who suffered....did Leni, or anyone out side of hitlers (I can not capitilize his name) most trusted few, know what was to come in 1934....and the question was one of sidearms, now to this forum, German WW2 sidearms are an, as they should be, acceptibale subject.

zeke1312 09-30-2005 11:27 AM

The question was about the side arm in use at the time. I assume it was the Luger but could it have been another also? Watching the film prompted the question only after viewing at some length as typical video shown of the time is but as few seconds at best. If you can't talk about it, a society may be doomed to repeat it. Also I see comments relating to holsters and belts, etc., on this web site, including Lugers with Nazi connections, should that be discontinued as they have a connection to the period in question?

policeluger 09-30-2005 12:07 PM

1312, I hear ya, but I am no source of WW2 guns and holstes, I support your search, I just can not contribute to it.....

zeke1312 09-30-2005 01:24 PM

My post was to inquire about sidearms used in 1934 other than the Luger, if any. Being new to the subject, I understand Walther became the offical sidearm in 1940? I imagine during each period of time when the Luger was either the official sidearm or not, it and other weapons were carried by the military. As to the Nazi thing, I imagine some/many of us own Lugers that saw service during WWII in the hands of Nazis in a war of agression, even possibly participating in the holocaust. Not a nice thing to even think about much less discuss but reality smacks a person in the face. Like all of us, I collect Lugers for they are a unique pistol, the most recognized handgun in the world with many stories, most true I assume. Just reading posts here regarding tidbits of the weapons' history are fascinating. Now that the subject has been broached, yes, it is important to understand the role the Luger played during the period of time in question.

zinfull 09-30-2005 02:24 PM

The luger and P38 did play a major role of the arms of Germany. But it is an object nothing more or less. The history was played by the players not the objects. For me lugers are a master of mechanical work not a symbol of destruction. But thats just me, a last liberal that loves guns.

AGE 09-30-2005 11:46 PM

Lugers are neeeaaat. Nifty, arty, elegant mechanical devices. Nazis and anything related to them are horribly repulsive. I will never own or have any other Axis war curios. I lived thru WWII and saw what happened. The guns were developed long before both WWs and don't affect me the same way, of course I like guns. Keep the other junk or burn it.

G.W. Gill 09-30-2005 11:54 PM

Zeke1312, I was a little bit whiskey "Zippy" when I first replied. I think now there might be a few good pics in there because the photography was excellent if not brilliant. The film was so good it brings emotions up. As intended. I retract my denunciation. Many good points made by you guy.

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