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Steve Lempitski 12-17-2012 11:35 AM

The antigun $#&% has hit the fan
Went into work today, and as a gun owner I got hammered about it...A petition is already circulating at the workplace to be sent to all State and Fed reps for an all out ban on the types of weapons found at the scene in CT

Edward Tinker 12-17-2012 03:26 PM

yes, its a shame

Everyone should do their best to keep this from spreading

I personally believe (although I hate it), is that there will have to be compromises

But lets be careful and keep politics to a minimum

lew1 12-17-2012 03:30 PM

Funny how every time there is a compromise, we lose.

Steve Lempitski 12-17-2012 03:31 PM

All I could do was say that like everybody else I was sick over the event, and then took out my car keys and showed them the key to my gun vault explaining it stays with me all the time....

Edward Tinker 12-17-2012 04:24 PM


Originally Posted by lew1 (Post 225234)
Funny how every time there is a compromise, we lose.

Remember Scotland, there was very little compromise...

cirelaw 12-17-2012 05:26 PM

1 Attachment(s)
This is how we are portrait!!!

Steve Lempitski 12-17-2012 05:34 PM

On the money! - ever notice in this PC world how nobody can say a word about anybody EXCEPT gun owning males are free to be bashed by all!

NoncomRetired 12-17-2012 05:42 PM


Originally Posted by Edward Tinker (Post 225242)
Remember Scotland, there was very little compromise...

and Australia.

lew1 12-17-2012 06:50 PM


Originally Posted by Edward Tinker (Post 225242)
Remember Scotland, there was very little compromise...

Well, I purchased my first pistol - 38 caliber when I was 15. No parents, no background check. Put it in the holster that was tossed in and fixed it to the basket on my bike and pedaled home.

Cost me $15 which was a big amount back then.

Since then there have been compromises and I could not do it today.

Perhaps there will be no compromises this time. Who knows.

mrerick 12-17-2012 07:00 PM

Let the people at work know that prohibition has never worked in our society in the USA.

It doesn't matter what is prohibited (alcohol; drugs; prostitution....) behavior isn't altered and a criminal underclass is created.

These "experiments" take a long time to work through, and in the meantime a large number of people get hurt.

The only thing that can stop a violent criminal is immediate overwhelming counter-force.

The problem isn't the tool used (a knife was used in China Friday to attack a larger number of school children).

See this for more of the carnage over there:

Look at the Oregon mall shootings. A concealed carry permit holder stopped it without firing a shot. When the criminal saw him the next shot was the criminal's suicide. The CCH permit holder saved many lives...


Steve Lempitski 12-17-2012 07:07 PM

With all respect - in the China incident the parents are visting their children tonight in the hospital - not burying them...

mrerick 12-17-2012 07:34 PM

The lethality of a knife and a firearm are the same if used with intent and skill.

While a firearm can be more "remote" in it's lethality, it can still be a deadly tool. In exercises I participated in, it only took about 2 seconds to cover the closing distance with a knife that most firearm attacks take place in.

So... the lethality of the tool in both cases is more linked to the intent and skill of the criminal.

I really doubt prohibiting either tools will solve the problem. Look at the rest of the knife attacks and the lethality chronicled on the Wikipedia page...


cirelaw 12-17-2012 07:39 PM

I dont want to be stuck with butter knives and sling shots!!

Steve Lempitski 12-17-2012 08:06 PM

Unfortunately as gun owners we are in the situation where in this case of 20 dead children one bad apple has spoiled the whole bunch in the eyes of the world...Anyway looks like I was right with one of my comments last week, turns out the shooters mother was in fact obsessed with this world ending this week..

NoncomRetired 12-17-2012 08:57 PM


Originally Posted by Steve Lempitski (Post 225270)
Unfortunately as gun owners we are in the situation where in this case of 20 dead children one bad apple has spoiled the whole bunch in the eyes of the world...Anyway looks like I was right with one of my comments last week, turns out the shooters mother was in fact obsessed with this world ending this week..

I heard different on a different media channel. I heard them say, she didn't trust the government and was worried about the take over. The media has been wrong from the beginning and their crediability is forever in the crapper when it comes to reporting truths....IMO. One thing for sure, I don't believe anything coming from this regime we have now with all the coverups about F&F and now Madame Secretary has a headwound which will impair her memory about Benghazi which will bring back her " I don't remember" during the Whitewater scandle. An ever revolving coverup about just about everything..........sad, real sad.

One thing for sure, she didn't secure her firearms.

CoyoteM4 12-19-2012 01:31 AM

I can't stop feeling horrible for the children, families, and town. They've gone through soo much s#!7 this last week, beyond the living bottomless pit-of-hell-red-nightmare, they're also dealing with media sitting on top of them this whole time. Since this went down - every major media outlet has taken this story and painted it's own picture - False facts, accusations, drawing their own conclusions, and just straight reporting rumor as fact. Only to come back hours and days later - and hide it with a new headline. This is when you realize that money is more important than journalistic integrity. Heck, they were reporting the wrong name most of Friday, then CNN went and stole his facebook pic and ran it on TV and on the website. They're jerking anyone they can off the street with connections and trying to pull interviews with the victims and families - It's outrageous.

We live in this country where most of our media is handled by like what, 5 or 6 companies? And, they're all just prodding around, spewing rumor, stumbling on themselves and showing zero tact or integrity. The way they handle these things reminds me of burning ants under a magnifying glass. They'll go in and exhaust this for months to come, drill the victims, then they'll make them re-live it yearly with a prime time special for the next decade - minimum. All the while, slipping their own agenda into the mix. How mad can I get though - I fed the beast by watching some of it Friday evening - the rest I've got in aggregate from people at work who have to forward every update around like they're reporting it.

Sorry about the rant, I hope I didn't derail this too much.

I don't know how far this is going to go with gun control, but I agree we'll be compromising. It's also going to be non-stop anti-gun sentiment as far as the media goes for the next few months. We have both sides pushing for stricter control. For the law-abiding gun enthusiast, we're going to see SHARP rises in price and shortages - I think that's already begun from what I've heard.

MikeP 12-19-2012 04:45 AM

During your 2 second flying leap a shooter paying attention could plug you a number of times .
Think I'd want a refund from that school.

alanint 12-19-2012 07:03 AM

How many of these cretins would be lining up to ban automobiles if some drunk plowed through a school-yard and killed 20 kids?

This is a tradegy which is being shamefully used by both extremes for political points.

cirelaw 12-19-2012 07:49 AM

The flood gates have opened!!!

Vlim 12-19-2012 07:57 AM

To use the car analogy:

They will be banning 'blue cars', because a 'blue car' was used in the assault.

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