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G.T. 07-17-2023 11:07 PM

info needed Mauser K98k handguard band
Hi to all, I need the handguard band that sits in front of the rear sight and the back end of the top handguard sets in to it? I need it for a restoration of a sporterized Mauser bnz 1942.. let me know if you have one to spare? Best to all,'r....GT :cheers::cheers:
BTW, I have been told that the band I'm seeking is part of the K98k rear sight? I don't think so on this one as there is no sign of trauma? Just no handguard ring? I'm confused? I would certainly appreciate a note of enlightenment from a K98 guy! Best, GT

Peter S 07-18-2023 08:10 AM

1 Attachment(s)

Unfortunately the front of the rear sight sleeve (base) has a lip on it that keeps the hand guard in place. It was very common to see them removed on sporterized rifles. The correct way to fix it would be to replace the sight sleeve.

G.T. 07-18-2023 01:26 PM

handguard band K98
Hi Peter! Thanks for the reply and picture. I think that you are right on most, maybe all rear sight sleeves. But, mine is slightly different and has a pronounced bulge with a slotted screw! I'll try to post a picture or two! Thanks again, best,'r....GT
Actually, I'll see if Ed will help me? :cheers:

Edward Tinker 07-18-2023 01:59 PM

3 Attachment(s)
here are the pictures from GT

Peter S 07-18-2023 02:36 PM

I see what you mean. The sight you show looks like one used on a Vz24 and you are correct, there never was a lip for the hand guard. The hand guards used with your type of rear sight had a spring clip inside them that clipped onto the barrel between the receiver and rear sight. Is it possible that the barrel was changed at one time or at least the sight, because the sight you have would not have been on a bnz 42 when it left the factory.

G.T. 07-18-2023 04:12 PM

Nevermind!!! rear sight sleeve
Hi Peter, that is an excellent assessment! I've come to the same conclusion with a little research and friendly advice for those like yourself, that know! Thank you! I now, at least, have some direction.
My nent course of action will be the get the correct Nazi rear sight assembly, remove the VZ one, and I guess, solder on the right one?
Not sure if it is something I want to do? None of my elves or hobbits have ever attempted it, far??? More to be done.. time will tell... Thanks again Peter, best to you,'r....GT..:cheers:

G.T. 07-19-2023 11:09 AM

One last question Peter!
Obviously you've been aroud the block with these K98k's. So, one last question, if you replace the rear sight assembly, I guess they are soldered on, what do they use to index the sleve on the barrel for perfect alignment when installing a new correct sleeve?... Thanks, best,'r....GT..:cheers:

Peter S 07-19-2023 04:52 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Yes they are soldered on. First you have to remove the front sight post from the barrel, also soldered on and held in place by a set screw. Set Screw is under the sight blade.

The barrel should have a small hole at the back end of where the sight rests against the barrel step. The screw that goes into the sight (buggered hole in pic) has a dog point and locates in that hole (sorry no barrel pic).

G.T. 07-19-2023 07:21 PM

Thanks Peter!
Great info Peter... looks to me like clean/flux/tin both barrel and sleeve install it with location screw, heat til the solder flows and clean up after? Have i got it about right:eek: best to you Peter,'r....GT..:cheers:

G.T. 07-19-2023 07:23 PM

Moderator, could you please move this thread to the best place, it is no longer a WTB quest! Thanks, best,'r...GT

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