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mrerick 02-27-2019 09:11 AM

Site Updates
John posted this as an admin alert, but I'll also post it as a normal posting so that "New Posts" gets an update to alert all users.

This is a major system update:

Please bear with me - Programming & Server Updates
Hey folks,

I am indeed moving this site... But - only a few feet away from where it is now Seriously, this Site and Forum has lived on the current server for more than a few years, and it's time. So, I've been working on a new server running a different operating system that will be able to handle and support this community. I'm really close at finalizing the programming - and when I think we are ready - here is what will happen..

You will see this site & forum "on and off". When it comes on-line permanently - I'll post a new note that everything is migrated over and everything should be back to normal...

Please note- the core code for the forums will be upgraded - and this too, is another huge step forward, as I am bumping both versions of MySQL, PHP and the core forum software. This isn't easy - as I'm changing the core operating systems too - so I have to drag all the handwritten mods in PHP/XML/CSS to the new server. Please bear with me on that, as the thread logos, etc. - may look a bit different.

If my guess is right - we might be down for about eight hours if all goes well... If it doesn't - I'll redact the changes and pull this site back up and go back to the "drawing board". I'll try to keep all posted through the announcement pages on the Forum.

Thanks for your support and patience!

John D.

John D. 02-27-2019 07:03 PM

And if you can read this - it's done. I have some clean-up to do still. Migrating a server from IIS/MySQL from 2001-2008 up to to today - Linux LTS (2018)/MariaDB and latest version of PHP isn't a just a few hours work. It's been in progress for a few weeks. But - if you can read this - you are on the new server/forum/software...

And yes - after 20 years of doing this - I still left the Banner Ads behind.. ;)

John D.

mrerick 02-27-2019 07:15 PM

John, from all of us, thank you for this work, the resources and the long term commitment!

DonVoigt 02-27-2019 07:23 PM

Thanks much for your effort!
I don't know how difficult it is; but I know it is not easy! ;)

John D. 02-27-2019 07:31 PM

Thanks Don..! ;)

It's a bit "surprising" what happens - especially with a forum that began in 2001 on a whole different technology-database-operating system-etc...??!! :eek:

Anyway - my best and my thanks!

John D.

Edward Tinker 02-27-2019 08:42 PM

as above John, thanks and God bless Porsche's

HerrKaiser 02-27-2019 09:54 PM

Thank you very much!

RockinWR 02-27-2019 10:46 PM

* Eternal gratitude to you for all you do for us.

John D. 02-27-2019 10:54 PM

My thanks right back to all of you for sticking with me and this community for nearly twenty years of doing this forum... It's amazing, really...

Anyway - my best to all..!

John D.

guns3545 02-28-2019 08:00 AM

Thanks John. Your work contributes greatly to the collecting community.


John D. 02-28-2019 08:13 AM

My sincerest thanks John!

I have to confess - I did check on this site and the others I pulled over and up through the night last night - just in case the database or code "complained" ;) But - fingers are crossed - all will be faster and more reliable then the older systems...

Anyway - my thanks to you..!


Vlim 02-28-2019 09:11 AM

All appears to work well on my Samsung Galaxy S7 across the big pond.

John D. 02-28-2019 09:28 AM

Thanks Vlim! ;)


John Sabato 02-28-2019 10:43 AM

John D. Can you believe it has actually been 20 years? Time flies... I wonder how many members have been here from the beginning? I must be close to that since the first time I used the forum it was still on a "public" server in Taiwan... Dear Heaven I feel old today...

John D. 02-28-2019 01:04 PM

I know.. And the first iteration of this forum was written as a UBB site - way back when/then... I programmed it in vB in 2002.. Ohhh - the "good old days".. Waitaminute - now I feel OLD!! ;)

John D.

Curly1 02-28-2019 02:43 PM

Great job and much appreciated.

Mac Cat 02-28-2019 04:19 PM

Thanks from me, too!

It's my favorite forum and some of my favorite collectors and authors, too!


John D. 02-28-2019 07:49 PM

Hi Gary and Mac...

My sincerest thanks...! I've been watching this forum most of the day for errors or "oppps" - and so far, I really like this upgrade....

My thanks and best to you!

John D.

Vlim 02-28-2019 08:30 PM

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Upload works fine too.

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