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Tiberius 06-04-2004 03:52 PM

Greetings and Salutations
I have been introduced to this marvelous and informative forum by a member known to you good folks as "Fritzer". Fritzer also assisted me in the purchase of my first Luger yesterday. For 2 days I have been reading the postings here and I must say this is the finest forum I hae ever seen. Great information, check and balance on questions, and mock battle lines drawn on some postings. I was fortunate in the purchase of my 1936 s42 to also get 2 holsters which I have posted information on in the "holster" forum, a stock which I will be posting and showing pictures, as I wish to sell, and a magazine tool.
within the next few days I will post pic's of the new addition to my "weapon family". The only issue I have with this new Luger is that it has been nickle plated!! THOR, I understand you can help me with this problem. It is just a shooter, but I want it to be a very realistic looking and beautiful shooter. There is a sweetheart called "The Jewel" owned by Dok. I am hoping to get my baby looking like that.
I am looking forward to a long and interesting membership in this forum group, thanks for what you have shown me already.
Again, Thank you Fritzer.

Herb 06-04-2004 08:38 PM

Tiberius, welcome to the Luger Forum. I'm confident that you will find answers to all of your questions and hopefully you will be able to provide some information and perhaps some challenges for the other members. Just curious, are you a Star Trek fan?

Tiberius 06-08-2004 11:19 AM

Hi Herb,
To answer your astute question, yes I am somewhat a Star Trek fan. Not to the extent that I "dress up" for conventions, or name my kids after characters, but I do still love the original series and have always found the oncept of the shows interesting. Have you ever been to the Las Vegas Hilton and the Star Trek experience? If not, in the Trek themed bar try the warp core breech drink. WOW

Thor 06-08-2004 11:23 AM

Tiberius, please email me at and we can discuss your 1936 S/42

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