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John Sabato 08-29-2008 11:54 AM

John McCain's VP Choice!
The McCain campaign has sure kept it a good secret, but is reporting that Sarah Palin, Governor of Alaska, and a conservative, pro-life mother of 5, who is not a Washington insider has been chosen to be the Republican VP running mate choice. She is described as a Rising Star in the GOP.

I hope this has blindsided the Democrats who probably had a fistfull of negative stuff to use about any of the other potential choices that the media has been speculating about.

If this lady's record and history has been properly vetted, it may just spell the end of the road for the Obama express to the whitehouse... Those female voters who would have blindly voted for H. Clinton because she is a woman, now have a good alternative to the Obama ticket which they would have reluctantly supported.

It certainly will be a most interesting election.

pitsword 08-29-2008 12:53 PM

Amen John and well said.


policeluger 08-29-2008 01:02 PM

Read up on her last year while in Alaska fishing, a real fine lady....

wlyon 08-29-2008 01:36 PM

It is interesting but also rather scarey to have a vice president of an older president with almost zero experience. Seems like a strange selection to me. ADDED I should add for the benefit of Pitsword that I am 72 years old and have never voted for a Democrat for President. Bill

Edward Tinker 08-29-2008 01:58 PM

Fascinating pick, surprises me and makes me excited, as that might put a giant crimp on those who have democratic leanings (I was already planning on voting for Mc ;))


policeluger 08-29-2008 02:05 PM

...and she is a long time member of the NRA, a pro hunter.

Ron Wood 08-29-2008 02:45 PM

I understand your concern about her being "a heartbeat away from the presidency", but I think that is much better than having a greenhorn president with an older wet nurse vice president to try to keep him out of trouble. That to me is scary.

pitsword 08-29-2008 03:12 PM


Thanks, the beautiful wisdom of experience. That's what I so enjoy on this forum. At 63, I'm still such a novice on life and what I learn here is an education on so many things.


Imperial Arms 08-29-2008 04:35 PM

I agree with Bill that she has zero experience which the Democrates will use to jump all over her. The Democrats will still have Hillary in the background or she might be given an important position in the administration as Secretary of State if the Democrats win the presidency.

I consider myself an independent (of course I am pro-gun), but I am disgusted how the Republicans have screwed up the US and mislead the American people especially with the Iraq war. I prefer that the Democrats win the electron in order to breath new fresh air into the US, and I doubt that they will do any thing radical to change gun laws that favour us collectors.


John Sabato 08-29-2008 05:08 PM


I understand your concern about her being "a heartbeat away from the presidency", but I think that is much better than having a greenhorn president with an older wet nurse vice president to try to keep him out of trouble. That to me is scary.
Albert I have to go along with Ron on this... When did the democrats in the last 50 years NOT screw up the status quo in the USA? When did they ever NOT try to take more gun rights away?

Obama is an "empty suit" waiting for the next teleprompter message...

Obama calls for tax cuts for the working family? what the heck does that mean? His Windfall profits taxation suggestion is a direct violation of the free enterprise this country was built on. Who do you think the oil companies will levy that loss of income on? You and I, that's who.

Just exactly who are the "rich"... ordinary citizens who have made intelligent decisions on business? Collectors of fine firearms? Just what do you think will be the criteria for being "rich" ??

Here is an Obama quote that I snatched from a recent New York Times Magazine where Obama is talking about his economic plan:

"'If you talk to Warren [Buffett], he'll tell you his preference is not to meddle in the economy at all -- let the market work, however way it's going to work, and then just tax the heck out of people at the end and just redistribute it. That way you're not impeding efficiency, and you're achieving equity on the back end."

just redistribute it THAT'S SOCIALISM! NOT DEMOCRACY!

All I have got to say is GET your hand out of my pocket Obama!

Obama Nation was a great title for that book about him... We don't have to make stuff up about this guy... all you have to do is let him talk to know where he would drive this nation. Right into a wall.

pitsword 08-29-2008 05:16 PM


Again, very well said. Thank you.


policeluger 08-29-2008 05:42 PM

Albert there are more diverse interests here in the brotherhood then "us collectors".....when you are willing to give up anothers gun interest and be only concerned with your "collecting, you have allowed the democrats once again to divide and conquer.....I could care less about shotguns and bird hunting, prefer big game hunting, but I would never roll over on the scatter gunners to save my own interest.....we should be in this all together, or give up to the anti's now...

lugerholsterrepair 08-29-2008 08:28 PM

Albert..and I doubt that they will do any thing radical to change gun laws that favour us collectors.
You need a check up from the neck up!
That's what the Democrats are waiting for...A wholesale cleansing, a pogrom if you will. These people are not like you and I . Or I anyway.
Howard is correct...Once this starts, if it does... collecting is not sacred. It could be the first thing to get it in the neck.

I found something in the Democratic speeches to be extremely funny..Some bigwig, I wish I knew who, was screaming WAKE UP! USA we need Change!
In 1933 the giant campaign by the Nazi's was Deutchland erwacht! Hitler preached change.....

Jerry Burney

crc 08-29-2008 08:49 PM

Talk about a breath of fresh air ... Sarah appears to not worry about what the "good old boys think", rather she thinks for herself and more like most of us. It might be a real good thing to have someone new into politics that has no skeletons in their closet (in Washington). Seems to have her own opinion and willing to stand up for it.


Heinz 08-29-2008 09:13 PM

My wife likes her. I am always suspicious of women who can outshoot me

BogeyB 08-29-2008 09:37 PM

In reality; unless you are/were a VP or a White House Chief of Staff, then you have really zero training for the job. It's really training on the job. Some have it, and some sadly don't. My state produced James Earl Carter; Navy Officer, gentlemen farmer/businessman, State Senator, Governer, and sadly one of the worst Presidents the Republic has had to endure!

Mr Mc Cain isn't my first choice, but he's our only real choice. Ron Paul and Bob Barr will only siphon away votes. At least the Hildabeast is out of it!!


Imperial Arms 08-29-2008 11:30 PM

Enough! Stop picking on me!! (just kidding)

Sarah might shoot an M-4 like a hot babe, but I would be very nervous if she had to replace John as president if he would happen to pass away within 4-8 years.

When John criticizes Obama about 'judgement', I reckon that John made a bad judgement after meeting her for one day (or one night)! She is not qualified/experienced for a VP of the USA, and she does not compare to ex-PM Thatcher who had a very tough reputation and who no s*** from nobody. In my opinion, John would have made a better choice if he would have selected Rodney.


Sieger 08-30-2008 12:09 AM


Originally posted by Imperial Arms
I agree with Bill that she has zero experience which the Democrates will use to jump all over her. The Democrats will still have Hillary in the background or she might be given an important position in the administration as Secretary of State if the Democrats win the presidency.

I consider myself an independent (of course I am pro-gun), but I am disgusted how the Republicans have screwed up the US and mislead the American people especially with the Iraq war. I prefer that the Democrats win the electron in order to breath new fresh air into the US, and I doubt that they will do any thing radical to change gun laws that favour us collectors.


Dear Albert:

I made the same mistake, with the exact same logic, when I voted for Jimmy Carter when he was facing Gerry Ford after the Watergate scandal



MFC 08-30-2008 12:44 AM

One of the first things she did in office as governor of Alaska was to sell the state's executive jet. She said "we're not going to run things like that".
You don't need experience to do something like that, just character.
Mike C.

thegundude 08-30-2008 01:45 AM

For those who accuse Governor Palin of lack of experience, might I reminder you that this VP pick has more executive experience than does the Democratic Presidential nominee (2 years governor, 8 years as Mayor of Wasilla and a couple of years in city council). She also helped her husband run their business, so she has experience signing the front side of paychecks too! Those are things that neither Obama, Biden or McCain can claim!!

I've been in love with Sarah Palin since I watched her deliver some much needed ass kicking up in the Alaskan capital building and I will now proudly stand behind the Republicans in the next general election. (I had been leaning towards the Libertarian cause, though it's a lost one).

She's more than just hot, she's smart and tough. Her Alaskan Democratic rivals call her The Barracuda! :D

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