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John D. 05-30-2001 10:56 AM

(OT) Simply....

Ted - THANK YOU!!!

No - the package wasn't ticking.. No, no harmful gasses escaped when the package from Ted was opened a few moments.. Instead...

Inside was a beautifully wrapped gift with a note warning me about the impending "addiction" should I read the enclosed book... Gangarosa's excellently detailed and written "P.38" book!!!!!

OK - I have to read it first so I know what I'm getting into - but, I *think* I'm going to start a "dual" collection of Lugers AND P.38's. I made that decision after only browsing this book for a few minutes (yep - it was a long an drawn out process )....

Ted - my sincerest THANKS!!! I think it was one of the most thoughtful and unexpected gifts I have received in a long time...!! (Jen, however - may feel otherwise, as she still wants new Kitchen appliances.. Know *how many* P.38s you could get for the price of those new appliances??!!)

Ted - THANKS!!!!!!!

(Now - I'm going back to reading..!!)

Marvin 05-30-2001 11:03 AM

Re: (OT) Simply....

It is so ealy to get a "Dual" liking for German Pistols. The P.38 is a fantastic weapon and fun to shoot too. Enjoy the book, but one caution on the Spreewerk pistols section. Spreewerk began production in late 1942 not 1943 as Gangarosa states. Spreewerk began in parallel with Mauser. This is the only error I have found of any consequece in the book. Keep us posted when you get a P.38.


John D. 05-30-2001 11:11 AM

Thanks Marvin..!
I know this thread is entirely off topic (Sorry Dok!! ) BUT...

Are the price ranges for P.38s similiar to those of Lugers? Also, are there any Forums (like this one) where I can "lurk and learn"???

Thanks both Marvin and Ted - I think you are creating another "P.38 enthusiast"..!

Thor 05-30-2001 11:18 AM

Re: (OT) Simply....
You may not be thanking me later! hehe, it is a very additive book! Just thought I should plant a little seed! I think you will find GREAT enjoyement out of it, mine is worn beyound belief, with GT and MArvin and me, you now dont stand a chance! lol

John Sabato 05-30-2001 12:27 PM

OT- Gun & Knife has a P-38 Forum J.D.
but buckle your seat belt, since it is not as cultured as our is here...


John Sabato 05-30-2001 12:28 PM

OOPS - forgot the URL - here it is...

Marvin 05-30-2001 12:32 PM

Re: Thanks Marvin..!

As far as I know, the only P.38 Forum on the internet is the one I have attached. The "Gun and Knife" is a general Forum for many different type weapons. G.T. has been introduced to the P.38 Forum also. It is not the most active, but most of the time there are a couple of new postings a day. They also have a Luger Forum, but it is definetly not the quality of this one. Many of the same folks on the Forum frequent this one also. I have noticed that this Forum is referenced for answering many of the posters questions. I also recognize the names that recommend this Forum too. Give a look at the P.38 Forum.


A P.38 Forum

Dok 05-30-2001 01:04 PM

Don't you "Sorry Dok" me... ;)
I have the book also, and I'm in the same boat you're in... paddling for all I'm worth...

Marvin 05-30-2001 01:45 PM

Re: Don't you "Sorry Dok" me... ;^)
Hey Guys,

Wait until you purchase the 3 vol set of book by Warren Buxton, "The P.38". You will go "bonkers" with the information presented there. It is all technical information on the P.38.


Thor 05-30-2001 01:58 PM

Re: DOK and JOHN-A TREAT in Store!
For both of you, not only will you get to see the WOL and meet Ralph and Nancy, but you get to see a GT and Carol and see all those minty P.38s and of course there is PANZER & TAZZIE! A real treat! Before you know it you will be talking "480 Coded, Dual Tone, Zero Series, HP, Spreewerke, Phosphate, German and French Grays, Plastic Grooved Grips, locking blocks, Grip codes, manufacture dates, etc etc etc with the rest of us! Too bad there is not a supplier/dealer with the INVENTORY size that Ralph has in Lugers. BTW, Ralph has a few P.38s too! (He is saving all the minty ones for me!!) Thor

tom h 05-30-2001 02:58 PM

Re: Buxton's P38 books
I do have all three volumes of "The P.38 Pistol" in stock @$65 each including S&H or all three for $175. The are the new hardbound latest edition.

Marvin 05-30-2001 03:05 PM

Re: Buxton's P38 books

If anyone is interested at all in this set of books, you better get them NOW from Tom. I have seen this second printing with prices per volume as high as $150 ea. The original printing was selling for approx. $800 per set several weeks ago. This set of books is THE best on market at present and well worth the price Tom is asking and his price is what the original offering was when they were reprinted. As far as I know, the second printing is sold out and they are not to be reprinted again.


Thor 05-30-2001 03:09 PM

Re: Buxton's P38 books-OT Sorry
Listen to Marvin, he is right I am sure! I just got my Volume I and was lucky as hell to find it! Thor

John D. 05-30-2001 05:42 PM

Hey - just got home and about to dive into my NEW BOOK..!!
Can't tell you how excited I am about all this..!!!

I have to ask - is it against some secret code (I don't know about yet) to read the P.38 book Ted sent me today in front of my glassed in Luger Display case??? Or should I read this book in another room out of their sight???!!!

John D. 05-30-2001 05:44 PM

Hi Marvin..!
I just checked that forum out - and based on some of the replies - I think I'll just "lurk" there. WOW - some of those guys sure can Flame pretty well..!!! YIKES!!!

John D. 05-30-2001 05:45 PM

WHOAA - that's for sure!!!! ;) (EOM)

John D. 05-30-2001 05:50 PM

Marvin - I just e-mailed Tom this question..
but would appreciate your insight.. Is there a particular volume that I should get (remember - I'm a newbie to P.38's ) Or are all 3 volumes really required for a complete compendium and chronology???

Thanks for any input..!!!

Dok 05-30-2001 05:51 PM

One possible solution...
would be to drap a sheet over the case...

Thor 05-30-2001 06:10 PM

Re: Marvin - I just e-mailed Tom this question..
He..he,,,he!! You are hooked good John......hooked good! (laughing) Thor

Thor 05-30-2001 06:11 PM

Re: Another possible solution...
is to send those minty Kriegs to me, to me, to me , nyyyaaahahah, my plan is working! Thor, bad Thor!!

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