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admiral1960 05-17-2008 08:05 PM

1916 Buckle Maker

Not sure this is right place for my question but am sure if it is not someone will be happy to point me in the right direction. It is about a buckle which goes with a belt which a holster is carried on, so...............

First, is there a web site that lists German buckle makers of WW I & WW II ?

I have a 1916 belt buckle with tab that has the city â??NURNBERGâ? stamped on it as city of manufacture. The letters are all upper case and the â??Uâ? is half again taller than the rest of the letters.

It also has the maker stamped on it but stitching makes it difficult to make out a few letters. It appears to be â??MAHSN HAUSRâ? followed by two â??wâ?s. The first â??Wâ? is the same size as the rest of the letters and the second â??Wâ? is half the height of the rest and appears to be underlined.

Does anyone have any ideas as to maker ?

It is possible the â??Hâ? in â??MAHSNâ? could be another letter.

It is possible the â??Râ? in â??HAUSRâ? could be another letter.

Thanks !!

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