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cirelaw 03-12-2021 10:35 AM

Has There Ever Been A Luger That You Regreted Selling?
What was it? Why did you sell it? Eric

sdmark777 03-12-2021 12:42 PM

I have never sold, traded or given away any Luger I acquired. Back in the day I sold or traded away several other types of firearms, some of which I later regretted letting go. But, I always traded up or used the cash to buy other firearms, like Lugers! I have not sold any firearms in decades. If I don't have the cash for a new acquisition, I just go with out. So, no regrets here.

Edward Tinker 03-12-2021 02:16 PM

numerous - sometimes I needed money, usually I wanted something else and my 'taste' had changed.

cirelaw 03-12-2021 02:25 PM

Post Partum Depression is real!!!

frankenlugerguy 03-12-2021 03:53 PM

As my dear wife would be pleased to attest, I am very much like sdmark; I only acquire. I would never sell one of my "babies". Each has a special place in my Luger collecting life, whether I'm really crazy about it, or not. I've been advised, by Luger gurus, no less, to sell Such-and-Such, and get a So-in-So, instead. I just could never bring myself to part with one of them. So, I'd scrimp and save, and eventually get the So-and-So, and have been very happy with the outcome. I'll get one out, occasionally, and wipe it down, handle it a little, and think about "Old Times".

cirelaw 03-12-2021 06:31 PM

If you do, you will regret selling forever, I Promise! And Reminded!

Heinz 03-12-2021 11:42 PM

I have sold two, I regret them both :-(

gunbugs 03-13-2021 03:07 AM

I don't have the regret of selling, as I'm only buying. So far.

Vlim 03-13-2021 06:36 AM

My first Dutch luger.

It was the first luger I bought and really should have kept it.
But it did provide me with some of the budget to upgrade to a Vickers luger.

The poor gun ended up in a collection that almost burned down . I hope it came through without too much damage.

Major Tom 03-13-2021 08:34 AM

I sold my 1939 Mauser 42 that had been excellently reblued and was all number matching but had a severe frosted boe (was accurate tho). A custom display box, 1938 holster and a few repro WW2 German medals and 1939 dated German coins. Needed cash real fast is why.

cirelaw 03-13-2021 08:45 AM

Its Like giving up your first born for adaption!! They say you never forget your first love!

ithacaartist 03-14-2021 12:32 AM

I have only sold one, a stainless, passed on to a good home with another forum member. I'm ambivalent about it.

Any of my others? No, pull my fingernails instead.


Originally Posted by Vlim (Post 337589)

The poor gun ended up in a collection that almost burned down . I hope it came through without too much damage.

I had trouble with a safety on my 1911 and took it to a shop that talked a good game. Since money was worth more than time to me, they agreed to work on it as time and gaps in other projects allowed. They had it for a year and a half. I decided to take it to another guy I knew was into the 1911 and he had it fixed in about 40 minutes while I stood and watched. How this all gets back to your comment is that I picked up the Caspian on the Wednesday before the weekend that first shop burned to the ground!

Bill_in_VA 03-14-2021 07:27 AM

I’ve sold quite a few as my collection has evolved and upgraded. Certainly I don’t regret selling one to replace it with a better one.

jeb111 03-14-2021 09:26 AM

I can’t seem to bring myself to sell any of my firearms, anytime I think about selling a certain one I think about why I got it in the first place and change my mind. I usually put a lot of thought into buying a gun to add to the collection, sometimes too much, and fortunately for me I never have been in a bind financially that I had to sell something (knock on wood)

cirelaw 03-14-2021 04:11 PM

Good for you!

spangy 03-14-2021 07:11 PM

In 1982 I foolishly sold a Walther 2nd WW era PPK.

I have deeply regretted it for 39 years and will to my dying day.

I never have or ever will make that mistake again ... I am talking in respect of my Lugers and WW era firearms.
I also have Rugers and CZ's that I could part with under extreme circumstances but for the most part any gun I find worth buying is staying with me. You want to be in my will ??

cirelaw 03-14-2021 08:01 PM

2 of your guns are excempt in bankrupcy court!

cirelaw 03-14-2021 09:08 PM

Unlike every thing else,, They never grow old or obsolete!

spangy 03-15-2021 04:25 PM

cirelaw :nono: ... you have hurt my CZ's feelings .... my Lugers love CZ and have gathered round to console him. :(

cirelaw 03-15-2021 05:27 PM

Sorry, You too have a pretty set!

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