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PMB 06-18-2004 03:09 PM

byf 1942
I just have bought my first Luger and I would like to know about this particular pistol as much as possible. The previous owner has no knowledge about the history of the gun, so I would like to know if there is possibility to trace the service record of the pistol, haveing its serial number? My Luger was manufactured in 1942 by Mauser factory - the producer code of the pistol is : "byf", the serial number : 2455 "i" , the Waffenamt: 135
I am affraid that there is no chance to find out to what army unit the gun was supplied but may be at least somebody can assess in what month of the year the pistol was produced?
I will be gratefula for any information.

Should the magazines also bear the two last digits of the serial number of the pistol? In my Luger the magazines probably are from different pistol - they are bearing the producer code : "fxo", the Waffenamt : 37 and the description "P 08".

Edward Tinker 06-18-2004 03:17 PM

Piotr, there is almsot no way to find out the "previous owners" of the gun.

The only way this is possible is if there is written record, such as the soldat (soldiers) book, if the gun was taken off of a person or it is written somewhere else. All unlikly to happen.

Approx date of manufacturer is possible and others can give you that info,

Welcome to the forum! <img border="0" alt="[cheers]" title="" src="graemlins/beerchug.gif" />


PMB 06-18-2004 03:33 PM

Thank you for the clarification. As you said there is almost no way to find out the "history" of the gun and I was aware of the difficulties, but I had to try ask this question.

With best regards


Frank 06-18-2004 03:47 PM

PMB, Welcome to the Luger Forum!! Your Luger, 2455i was completed about August 1942, give or take a month. Beyond that, it's about the only history you might expect!


John Sabato 06-18-2004 03:55 PM

Frank, correct me if I guess wrong, but I believe that by the late date of manufacture for this Luger, the magazines would likely have been un-numbered FXO types as PMB has indicated... Is that correct?

PMB 06-18-2004 03:56 PM

Thanks a lot. Now I know some details about my P 08. It seems like I will have to buy something for birthday present for my Luger in August. Holster perhaps.

Ron Smith 06-18-2004 04:15 PM

PMB You can send it to me for it's birthday! I'll even bake it a cake. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Wink]" src="wink.gif" />

(I keep trying,but nobody listens.) :confused:
Shut-up Frank!! ADMIN <img border="0" alt="[icon501]" title="" src="graemlins/icon501.gif" /> PLAY NICE RON

Frank 06-18-2004 08:51 PM

John, you are absolutely correct regarding the magazine. By that time, my guess would be a black plastic bottom fxo. :)

Ron Smith 06-18-2004 11:16 PM

Ed, No Problem! Just an inside running gag between Frank and Me. All meant in fun. I ignore people I don't like, or have a problem with. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Wink]" src="wink.gif" />


Edward Tinker 06-18-2004 11:18 PM

I know Ron, but the "on-Lookers" don't know that and they might not realize it is "in-fun" and start being rotten luger owners :D

PMB 06-19-2004 02:38 AM

It's good to read that magazines of my Luger are OK. They have black plastic bottom. The magazines are "type 4" like ones presented in a Doug G. Collection in Member Gallery.

Ron Smith 06-19-2004 10:03 AM

Ed, I would like to offer an apology to Frank and all of the members for my indiscretion. I am sorry. For the uncalled for, and regretful out burst in the above post :(

Very Sincerely, Ron
PS, BTW That's not just Frank's avatar. It's his High School graduation photo. :p

Ron Wood 06-19-2004 07:14 PM

He graduated? :)

Frank 06-19-2004 09:20 PM

OK Ronses, this is me ignoring you!!! :D

Ron Smith 06-19-2004 11:23 PM

Teamwork...,All righty then!!!! :)

John Sabato 06-20-2004 10:32 AM

Frank went to School? :D I know for certain that he is a graduate of Luger University... a very expensive education!

Ron Smith 06-20-2004 12:19 PM

John, That's true. However, I don't want anyone to think there is any under lying animosity here. Frank and I have a ribbing session going on. It all started when he e-mailed me some bum information. And I got suckered into buying a "junk" 1936 S/42. He told me it was Herman's Luger. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Wink]" src="wink.gif" /> And being a babe in the woods, I fell for it.
Infact I think Frank and I could be pretty good friends, but I'll be damned if I'll go to Arizona to find out! :D


Edward Tinker 06-20-2004 05:56 PM

Ron, I could "read" between the lines, but experience in the army showed me that in a platoon, if you get some guys bitch'en a lot, then everyone bitches. And although in a good and funny vein, "readers" can't tell and they might think they came upon the "other" gun boards, :D

John D and Johnnie S know that seriousness is NOT my forte, I just practice here on the forum cuz I try to keep an even, "nice" tone and keel going ehre. A sport that irritates many of my fellow lugger folks...

<img border="0" alt="[icon107]" title="" src="graemlins/icon107.gif" />

<img border="0" alt="[cheers]" title="" src="graemlins/beerchug.gif" />

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