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John D. 06-12-2007 12:15 PM

2007 LugerForum Patrons.....
Since we are halfway through 2007, I wanted to take a moment to publicly say thank you!! to the folks listed below... These folks, during the course of 2007 have donated to the operation of the LugerForum (and P 38 & PP-PPK Forums) - and hopefully, I haven't omitted anyone, and you all received a private e-mail of "Thank You!" (well, except Ed.. ;) ) You can figure out who they are, as under their Avatar - they will have 2007 LugerForum Patron

Anyway - to all the 2007 Patrons - THANK YOU!!


The list includes:

Big Norm
Don M
Double O
Edward Tinker
G. van Vlimmeren
John Sabato
ken d
Lyn Islaub
Morgan Kane
Mike B (two separate donations - THANK YOU!)
Ron Wood
Steve Richards
the gunman
Tom A

Edited by John D. - updated list with new names (7-14-07)... THANK YOU!!!

John Sabato 06-12-2007 03:47 PM

John D...

As the owner of this domain and the benefactor and provider of the as an information and history sanctuary to what is now thousands of Luger enthusiasts and collectors world-wide... I think it entirely appropriate that the same Title appear below your name when you post! :) Or maybe "Lugerforum Patron Emeritus" would be more appropriate! :D

Thanks for everything you do for the Luger community John D.

John D. 06-12-2007 04:41 PM

Hi John and all,

John - honestly? I couldn't - and wouldn't - do it without you and folks just like you.. To all the Moderators, Patrons and users alike - I tip my hat to you. Please know how much I appreciate the support, kind words and encouragement. This Forum, along with the P 38 & PP-PPK Forums are kind of special.....

Frankly, again over the past few days, I've noticed that this site went down for a few hours - and that's not acceptable. So, over the course of the next few weeks, I may be making some changes to this server..

Anyway - just know how appreciated all the support is - to the folks in the list above and all the Moderators - thanks!!

And to John S. ........


My Best to all..!


lfid 06-12-2007 04:55 PM

for the patron wannabees - what is method to join up ?

can paypal be used ?

Ive been user a few months , and this forum has become a part of every day for me now , a hobby in itself , very cool info and members


John D. 06-12-2007 04:58 PM

Hi Bill..!

My thanks for your offer of support! Yes - I can be Paypaled at: Or - you can send me a check (checks have to pass through Jen though - ask Ken D. how long that takes, tho!! :eek: )

Bill, my thanks again!

John D.

Lyn Islaub 06-12-2007 07:47 PM

Please check your PayPal receipt records for the first week of April, as mine indicate that I made a contribution through PayPal in that time frame.
Thx, Lyn

John D. 06-12-2007 08:08 PM

Hi Lyn!

I am so sorry!! I knew I missed a few folks - and you were one... I apologize!! Here is your new title coming at you :)

Lyn, my sincerest appreciation!

John D.

Don M 06-13-2007 10:02 AM

I knew there was something I forgot to do this year! Paypal sent.

wlyon 06-13-2007 11:09 AM

John, Paypal sent. Thank you for everything you do. Bill

John D. 06-13-2007 02:53 PM

Hi folks,

I just updated the list above and added a few more names... My sincerest thanks to each of you!!! (And hopefully, all of you have a thank you note back (well, again - 'cept Ed ;) )..

John D.

lfid 06-13-2007 06:19 PM


what is the typical range of patron contributions ?

if that is confidential , what is minimum ?


Edward Tinker 06-13-2007 09:07 PM

There is no minimum (I can speak out of turn, cuz I never get a thank you) :D okay, John thanks me EVERY time I talk to him :o

The way I figure a "donation" is, how often do you visit?

How often have you read something here and saved a $100

How often have you read something and said, dang, I didn't know that? (me all the time... and get corrected 1/3 of the time by Frank, Dwight, Ron, etc, and that is okay :p )

I just know that John pays for all of the computer servers, time and bandwidth from his own pocket ;)


zinfull 06-14-2007 12:18 PM

It is worth every penny. But Ed what about all the money the board has cost me with this "Luger Fever". I tried 12 step but only make it through two, 1- see it 2- Buy it.

In all fairness this board has save me a lot of money and gave more information than some college courses.


cirelaw 06-14-2007 12:58 PM

ERIC, I would like mearly to send a check, could you provide a mailing addess, and to Whom to make it out, I can slip one, in the mail

lfid 06-14-2007 01:48 PM

John D

my paypal 2007 patron contribution just sent

thanks for all you do for the forum


Steinar 06-14-2007 02:10 PM

Payment for 2007 sent, thanks for keeping the forum up and running John:)

John D. 06-14-2007 06:57 PM

Bill and Steinar,

Just home and logged in - Thank you!!!..! I sent you an e-mail, updated your titles here - and added you to the list above...

Again - thank you!!!!

John D.

the gunman 06-14-2007 07:37 PM

Not enough can be said about this fine man and what he has given luger collectors around the world. You enrich my every day with this forum. Along with a cast of the most wonderful gentleman . Im lousy with words. But Thank You John

John D. 06-27-2007 09:45 AM

The list above was just updated - and my sincerest THANKS to hqbmw.. Some folks leave me speechless....

And Gunman - that would include your note above.. I responded by doing a lot of blushing.. ;)

My thanks to each and every one of you....


tracyp 06-27-2007 02:28 PM


Sent payment via paypal.



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